Next time you’re feeling annoyed, frustrated, or critical toward a fellow human being, stop for a minute and strap on their shoes.
Highly successful people say “no.” They say it a lot. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, and that doesn’t mean they like it, but they realize it’s necessary. In order to create that which they are uniquely equipped to create, high achievers know they must guard their time carefully.
Years ago I discovered an excellent blog post by bestselling author and speaker Jon Acuff. Jon made a rather surprising list of all the good things that happen to you when you compare your success to someone else’s. That’s right—good things. Just wait until you see the list!
As a leader, you are a creator of opportunity for others! It is your privilege and responsibility to “open doors for people.” What doors will you open today?
Every leader receives critique. Some leaders appreciate it, some dread it, and some resent it – but every good leader needs it. In order to truly achieve leadership excellence, you need to learn, grow, mature, develop, and improve as a leader, and one of the best tools for accomplishing this is critique.
There really is no failure unless you quit. While you can’t control what life throws at you, you can determine your response. In life’s many battles, your attitude is the most powerful weapon you wield.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! – Dan Nielsen
While life presents some large moments that can have a major impact on your life, life is more often defined by small, seemingly inconsequential moments. Be mindful of these small moments and don’t hesitate to act on your intuition!