Modernization and innovation continue to change the way we interact with the world we live in. Last year, I read an article written by my friend and colleague Deb Stargardt, titled “Putting Face-to-Face First.” In this article, Deb brings attention to our dependency on technology, specifically smartphones. While I discussed this article last year, I

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June 23, 2016

What characteristics will set you up for success? I have been fortunate to hear from a multitude of healthcare executives through my interviews for the online learning platform, America’s Healthcare Leaders. I recently interviewed Eric Barber, president and CEO of Mary Lanning Healthcare in Hastings, Nebraska. During the interview, we had the opportunity to discuss

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In the grand scheme of life, you need both short-term and long-term vision to be truly successful. If you are only worried about the day-to-day, you lose the bigger picture. Likewise, if you are constantly focused on the bigger picture, the everyday moments are often lost in a sea of busyness, and small setbacks can

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I would be remiss to end the series on communication from a few weeks ago without emphasizing the role listening plays in solid communication. We each have many conversations every day ranging from personal to professional. The topics of these conversations vary just as much as the individuals with whom you have them.   There

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This past week, we celebrated Memorial Day. Memorial Day was established in 1866 having in mind that it is necessary for our wonderful country to annually recall and celebrate those brave and resolute soldiers of old that have given all for America.   In light of this national holiday, I wanted to take the time

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As discussed last week, effective communication is vital. This week I have compiled a list of some of the best tips for improving your communication skills. Just like anything else, practice makes perfect, so be willing to apply these tips personally and professionally.   8 Tips for Effective Communication   Know your audience: One of

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Communication can make or break any organization, yet breakdowns in communication are very rarely acknowledged and corrected. These breakdowns cause frustration, limit progress, and waste time and money.   Successful communication is vital, especially within leadership. Learning how to correct the communication breakdowns is the next step—after first being willing to find them. Here are

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Last week, we discussed Michael Hyatt’s Top 10 Productivity Hacks. I hope you have already implemented a few of these strategies, if not all, into your daily routine. If you have, I am sure you have experienced greater productivity and are adding margin to your day.   I wanted to re-emphasize one of the main

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I find Michael Hyatt to be one of the most relevant bloggers I read. He is constantly providing new content of great value and relevance to those wishing to maximize productivity and effectiveness. For someone who is continually seeking to learn new things, I find the information Hyatt presents to be highly engaging and beneficial.

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In 1963, a young runner, fresh out of college, borrowed $50 and started a company with one specific purpose. His idea was to import low cost, high quality running shoes from Japan. Fast-forward to 2016, and this small company has turned into an empire with steadily growing revenue.   Phil Knight, Nike founder, recently was interviewed by

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