Many executives and senior leaders who claim to have an “open door” rarely see anyone outside of the C-suite walk through that door—literally or figuratively. It’s time to change that.

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For me, it was a quart of milk. Gifts and rewards, in all areas of life and work, don’t need to be big; they just need to be strategic and deeply valued and appreciated by the recipient!

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As a leader, it’s critical that you learn and leverage the many nuances of motivation for those whom you lead. The difference in effectiveness between demotivated, uninspired people and those who are passionate and inspired is extraordinary!

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Leaders can spread themselves out trying to pursue many things and most likely end up being merely mediocre at most of them. Instead, they should focus on a few key things that they already do well, and strive to excel in those areas!

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Baseball legend Joe DiMaggio once said, “A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example.” Are you doing your best, and leading others to do likewise?

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A leader whom people trust and respect due to integrity will achieve greater things than a leader who relies on personal intelligence and charm to attract supporters.

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Inspirational leaders must paint a vivid picture of the future in order to inspire those they lead to follow them toward that vision.

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Whether virtually or in person, I hope you get to share some love, laughter, and conversation this holiday season with those dear to you. May this crazy year close with blessings and hope for the future! Merry Christmas!

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My friend Dr. Keith Lepak, a board certified emergency room physician, explained how in the medical field the most urgent and stressful events doctors and nurses must respond to are the hospital emergency codes, such as “Code Blue,” which generally indicates respiratory or cardiac arrest. Keith said, “There’s an old saying: ‘during a code check

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In my last article we looked at some common misconceptions about what it means to be an inspirational leader. This week we’re diving into some truths of inspirational leadership. As I wrote in my book, “leadership is not limited by titles or hierarchy,” and “true inspirational leadership is more a matter of character than achievement.” So What

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January 28, 2016

It was my honor to conduct a face-to-face interview with Michael Dowling, president & CEO of Northwell Health (formerly North Shore-LIJ Health System), in his office in downtown Manhattan. Michael Dowling is an amazingly effective leader in so many different ways. He is also a very engaging conversationalist with an extremely interesting and diverse background. I asked Dowling for a piece of advice he would share…

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January 25, 2016

My friend Mark Dixon, president & CEO of The Mark Dixon Group, LLC, shared with me an excellent leadership suggestion and perspective. Mark is a former hospital CEO and has led a very successful leadership career in hospital, health system, and healthcare consulting. To put it succinctly, when Mark Dixon speaks, I listen…

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January 21, 2016

I recently conducted and filmed a one-hour live interview with Traci Bernard, president of Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital in Southlake, Texas. During the interview she talked about how leaders shouldn’t be afraid to surround themselves with people smarter than themselves. In fact, leaders should actively look for and recruit team members smarter than themselves…

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January 7, 2016

As founder and CEO of America’s Healthcare Leaders I had the honor of conducting a wide-ranging interview with Joel Allison, CEO of Baylor Scott & White Health. The in-person one-hour interview was conducted in Allison’s office in Dallas, Texas. Joel Allison is truly one of America’s healthcare leaders! During the interview, Allison emphasized the critical importance of

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In the past few weeks we have touched on a few of the negative aspects of technology. While technology has a few negative implications on our work-life balance, it also enables us to work more effectively and efficiently when utilized well. Click here to read a few keys to using technology well!

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Reading is a delightful pastime often favorited by leaders.  Reading can provide enjoyment as well as be informative and with every page, your mind is stretched and new information is imparted.  In an exclusive America’s Healthcare Leaders interview, Mike Williams discussed his love of reading, noting, “I think we all need to get away from the

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  Don’t wait to establish a positive work-life balance.  Over the last few years I have done countless interviews and noticed a common trend; most of the people I interview wish they would have made time for the important things in life.  Read the full article on a positive work-life balance by clicking here>>  

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In a recent interview featured on America’s Healthcare Leaders, Mike Williams offered some excellent advice for students pursuing their administrative residencies, as well as for individuals early in their careers. Throughout the interview Williams encourages people to not be fooled by the “dazzle” and pursue your passion. Click here to read the full article>>>

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Change is inevitable.  While change can disrupt our status quo and force us to make a choice, these choices can lead to a remarkable transformation. Do we continue to operate in our comfort zone, or do we throw our comfort to the side and embrace the change that can bring transformation? Click here to read

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We have all known and worked under different leaders with different leadership styles and strategies. When considering the characteristics that describe a great leader, many words typically come to the forefront of your mind, like confident, focused, inspired, strong, honest, etc. One word that doesn’t always come immediately to mind is humble; however, humility is

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