Do Your Best, and Lead Others to Do Their Best

By Dan Nielsen

January 27, 2022

Over the course of my life I have worked a number of different jobs—from my younger days of mowing lawns, bussing tables, delivering newspapers, and teaching flamenco guitar lessons, to my established career in healthcare administration, serving in several roles as a senior healthcare executive, including 15 years as a hospital CEO.

Throughout all my work history, I have encountered thousands of coworkers, colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. Many of those individuals have encouraged, challenged, and inspired me with their tremendous work ethic, positive attitude, and strength of character. Others have discouraged, frustrated, and even disgusted me with their lack of work ethic, negative attitude, and toxic character flaws.

The world is full of people, and all of them are different. All people have flaws, but they also have plenty of good traits. Having served in leadership roles for many decades, one of the character traits I deeply value is that of a strong work ethic. 

Whether you’re…

  • Clocked in at your 9-5 job, 
  • Coaching your kid’s team on a Saturday morning, 
  • Plugging away at your own home-based business, 
  • Sweeping floors and wiping tables after closing,
  • Volunteering your time at the local soup kitchen, 
  • Making lesson plans and grading papers after dinner, or
  • Hopping out of bed at 1 AM when the on-call phone rings… 

Your diligence and sense of responsibility matter!

Baseball legend Joe DiMaggio once said, “A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example.” I agree 100%! 

Time and time again I have witnessed individuals giving their all, always striving to do their best, and ultimately, naturally, each becoming a person whom others respect, admire, and follow. Becoming, that is, a natural leader. A leader who always does his or her best, and in turn, influences others to do their best too!

Be a leader. Always do your best, and lead others to do likewise!

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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