If you’re in your youth, don’t rush toward tomorrow and forget to make the best of today. Or if you’re getting older, don’t fret over your yesterdays or your dwindling tomorrows – make the best of today!
Many executives and senior leaders who claim to have an “open door” rarely see anyone outside of the C-suite walk through that door—literally or figuratively. It’s time to change that.
No matter how deeply rooted you are in a certain career, community, culture, or lifestyle, you don’t have to be stuck. You are not a tree.
Are you ready to change your mindset and believe it’s never too late to start over? Are you willing to work hard, be consistent, and really pursue your dreams? It’s never too late to change your story’s ending!
For me, it was a quart of milk. Gifts and rewards, in all areas of life and work, don’t need to be big; they just need to be strategic and deeply valued and appreciated by the recipient!
As a leader, it’s critical that you learn and leverage the many nuances of motivation for those whom you lead. The difference in effectiveness between demotivated, uninspired people and those who are passionate and inspired is extraordinary!
Your thoughts have more influence on your life than you might think. Yes, without action your thoughts may not be worth much, but in reality, it doesn’t take much for your thoughts to become action.
Don’t wait until you notice (or someone points out) ‘cracks in your foundation.’ Be proactive, and choose today to be intentional about forming and maintaining a solid foundation of positive character.