By facilitating employees’ growth in their area of focus and expertise as well as complimentary areas, inspirational leaders empower them to achieve greater success—personally, professionally, and organizationally.
Inspirational leaders understand that in order to truly empower others, they must first help them grow. They give those they lead the opportunity to leverage their talents and use their own skills and common sense to influence decisions, add value, and make a difference.
Leading by example may seem like an overly simple (and endlessly repeated) concept. So much so that you likely haven’t spent much time thinking about it in recent years because you already know that leading by example is important. But is this age-old principle really overrated or too obvious to even warrant reflection?
In order for leaders to inspire others with their vision for the future, they themselves must be inspired and passionate about it!
Inspirational leaders must paint a vivid picture of the future in order to inspire those they lead to follow them toward that vision.
Integrity is not just a personal virtue that leaders should exemplify—they must also hold those they lead, and their entire organization, to a standard of high integrity.
Inspirational leaders realize the importance of investing in those they lead. They are willing to invest time and resources in order to have great team members—and thus great teams and organizations.
To be able to respond well to the needs of others, you must first make sure you are functioning well yourself.