May 28, 2020

Awhile back I posted the following quote to LinkedIn: “Every next level of your life will demand a different you.” – Leonardo DiCaprio A number of people commented on the post, including my good friend and colleague Marc Gelinas, who said this: “Every level of our lives creates a (hopefully) better us. As we get

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May 21, 2020

While perusing LinkedIn one day, I came across an article titled “The Very Best Way to Manage Female Employees.” Intrigued, I checked it out. The author of the article, Jeff Haden, began by describing his experience attending a conference breakout session, an executive seminar, and a Master’s level leadership class all in the same week.

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May 14, 2020

About 17 years ago, after a long and very fulfilling career in healthcare leadership, I chose to retire. I was set up well for retirement and was looking forward to some hard-earned leisure time, so I stocked up my Inspirational Vehicle (a small motorhome), grabbed my digital camera, and took off across America the Beautiful,

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May 7, 2020

You are getting older. Like it or not, you and I are getting older every single day! Whether you’re still in your youth, middle aged, or enjoying your golden years, there’s no escaping the subtle but steady reality of aging. When we’re young, we tend not to worry about aging. In fact, we often are

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April 30, 2020

I know even in the midst of the strictest lockdown measures there are a lot of people who must continue to go to work outside their homes—particularly those serving in healthcare. But many others, like myself, have been spending a lot more time at home and away from everyone else lately.  I am blessed to

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April 24, 2020

I originally wrote and published the following article seven years ago. I believe it is highly relevant for what we’re experiencing throughout the world right now, so I am sharing it again today: There are a lot of things in this world over which we have little or no control. We have little, and many

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April 16, 2020

I recently saw this quote (origin unknown) posted as a meme on social media: “When this is over, let’s remember that it wasn’t the CEOs & billionaires who saved us. It was the janitors, nurses, grocery and food workers.”  I understand the intent of that post and I applaud it. If you ever doubted the

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April 9, 2020

For virtually every person in America and around the world, life has been disrupted in some way by the current COVID-19 pandemic. For some lucky people, the current quarantine measures are mostly a frustrating inconvenience, and their biggest concerns are boredom and running out of snacks. But for most people, we have been shaken by

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