To admit a mistake, apologize, and actively work to correct the behavior or issue, you must first set aside your ego and consider others above yourself.
While you shouldn’t give up and throw in the towel in the face of skepticism, you also shouldn’t let your focus become proving the skeptics wrong.
Don’t be the kind of person who spreads negativity around. Instead, choose to be the kind of person you wish there were more of in this world. Be brave. Be different. Be kind. Be an encourager!
If something you choose to do or say or spend your time or money on unsettles you and disrupts your peace of mind, it’s not worth it.
Why do we seem to equate a busy life with a full life? Do we really need to always be busy?
If you are serious about achieving success, you need to be doing something you can believe in—something you can wholeheartedly get behind and work toward.
This story is a beautiful example of how reaching out to someone can sometimes lead to a series of events that can completely change a life.
Balance quantity and quality of what you read. Carefully and intentionally select 5 important books to re-read this year.