When you notice someone’s light is growing dim, don’t just stand by and watch what happens. Help them change their batteries!
Leaders must hold integrity in high esteem. Continually emphasize and reinforce the importance of integrity through small gestures and everyday reminders.
We leaders have a choice. We can hunker down, do damage control, and hope for the best in times of trouble… or we can choose to “dance in the rain.”
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” — Nora Roberts
There’s no guarantee that tomorrow will come, so we must make the most of today! But, each new tomorrow on this earth is a valuable gift, so we must also plan well and look to the future.
To admit a mistake, apologize, and actively work to correct the behavior or issue, you must first set aside your ego and consider others above yourself.
While you shouldn’t give up and throw in the towel in the face of skepticism, you also shouldn’t let your focus become proving the skeptics wrong.
Don’t be the kind of person who spreads negativity around. Instead, choose to be the kind of person you wish there were more of in this world. Be brave. Be different. Be kind. Be an encourager!