Take time to notice the incredible, diverse, talented, beautiful people around you. Reach out to others, deviate from your own agenda for a minute. You never know the impact that one moment might have on someone else.
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- Author: Dan Nielsen
Take time to notice the incredible, diverse, talented, beautiful people around you. Reach out to others, deviate from your own agenda for a minute. You never know the impact that one moment might have on someone else.
...As you develop your personal brand, be wise and strategic, but above all, be authentic.
...Baseball legend Joe DiMaggio once said, “A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example.” Are you doing your best, and leading others to do likewise?
...Everyone’s story is different. But everyone’s story is brimming with wisdom. Don’t discount your story. Share the wisdom from your story. I guarantee, it will prove to be wisdom for someone else’s story too.
...Michael J. Dowling, President & CEO of Northwell Health, shares 5 steps we each can strive to take to start the healing process our society needs.
...Whatever your feelings may be on the New Year, you will undoubtedly have your ups and downs in the weeks and months to come. In the midst of those ups and downs, those goals attained and resolutions failed, check the tone of your inner voice.
...Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, from Dan Nielsen and team!
...Whether you’re the recipient, giver, or even just the witness of a good deed, it never fails to brighten your mood and your day. I challenge you to go about your day today with “be good to people” in mind. See how many smiles you can bring. I promise, it will make a big difference in your day, and in theirs!
...No matter your circumstances, you can choose to see the glass as “half full,” not “half empty.” I challenge you: create and sustain the habit of intentionally bringing more joy into your daily life!
...As you continue through the holiday season and everything it entails, you will undoubtedly encounter dozens of upsetting moments along the way. As you do, try to remember the 5 by 5 rule, and don’t allow yourself to dwell on the minor stuff more than 5 minutes!
...You get to choose the attitude and outlook you “catch” and pass on to others. You get to choose your contagion. So make your choice—today, tomorrow, and every day—to be what you want to see more of in the world.
...Your time is a precious and limited resource; so to be most effective—both personally and professionally—you should focus on these two lists.
...Enjoy the stuff you already have. Utilize your stuff to create more joy. Bless others with the stuff you don’t need. Appreciate simplicity…. “Don’t make space for more stuff. Make space for more life.” – Courtney Carver
...Those we choose to surround ourselves with, those we count as friends, should not be just random! Look for (and look out for) these certain types of people.
...These 5 observations help me keep social media in perspective. As with everything, there are positives and negatives; and there will always be “the good, the bad, and the ugly!”
...Do you write to connect and compel? If you truly want to achieve results through your written words, follow these 3 tips for greater success.
...A leader whom people trust and respect due to integrity will achieve greater things than a leader who relies on personal intelligence and charm to attract supporters.
...Yes, there are many great leaders who, by the world’s standards, have been very successful. But I don’t think success in and of itself is what makes a leader (or anyone) great.
...Inspirational leaders must paint a vivid picture of the future in order to inspire those they lead to follow them toward that vision.
...When you notice someone’s light is growing dim, don’t just stand by and watch what happens. Help them change their batteries!