I love penetrating, thought-provoking, high-impact quotations. I constantly look for them, save them, and share them via my websites, articles, books, and presentations. In my opinion, it is hard to find a more penetrating, thought-provoking, high-impact quotation than this one attributed to Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act,

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Many people want—even crave—to be leaders so that they can and will have “power over people.” Many leaders want to advance further up the leadership chain of command so that they will have ever-increasing power over people. Power, particularly perceived power over people, is very addictive. For many leaders, their addiction to perceived power over

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Some people are habitual procrastinators. It doesn’t matter what it is—doing the dinner dishes, paying a bill, or writing a term paper—they put it off until the last minute. But even if you’re not a notorious deadline pusher, it’s likely there are at least a few things you tend to procrastinate about. Maybe it’s starting

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In the book titled Difference: The One-Page Method for Reimagining Your Business and Reinventing Your Marketing, author Bernadette Jiwa focuses on thinking differently and being a ‘difference thinker’ in order to create totally new programs, products and services. Much of what she writes is also directly applicable to leadership excellence. Consider these statements, found in the

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There are certain success traits that sometimes feel unattainable. Especially when you read those lists of “25 traits essential for success,” or “top 10 characteristics of successful people,” etc.—it can be overwhelming! There are just too many ‘essential’ success traits to possibly develop and practice them all.   Also, I am a firm believer in

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In the midst of significant change throughout America’s healthcare system, I can think of no better time to read and study the recently published book by Bernadette Jiwa titled Difference: The One-Page Method for Reimagining Your Business and Reinventing Your Marketing. Seth Godin, the world-class marketing guru, author, speaker, and blogger wrote the following about this

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  As a kid, did you ever make a club with your friends? You might not have had an official clubhouse, like on The Little Rascals, but you probably had a special place you hung out, and certain rules about who could be part of the club. Or maybe you didn’t create a club, but

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As part of the research for my next book, titled Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, I am interviewing highly successful inspirational leaders from all across America. Following each interview, I contact several colleagues of the person interviewed and ask for additional perspectives regarding the leadership of the individual I interviewed. The response has been

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  Sandy Morford, CEO of Los Angeles-based Renovo Solutions, understands the significant challenges and opportunities of leading an organization through difficulty.   As a small start-up company several years ago, Renovo Solutions was faced with a frivolous lawsuit by a much larger competitor. The intent was pretty clear: shut down Renovo through financial hardship. Morford

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As a leader, you’re expected to have the answers. Whether the questions are coming from customers, clients, competitors, employees, or the media, it’s important to be equipped with the right answer at the right time. But there is something even more important for leaders than having the right answers. Michael Hyatt recently addressed this topic

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As a young CEO many years ago, I was given the opportunity to build and lead a new medical center from the ground up. In the beginning the medical center was without funding, property, buildings, medical staff, or patients. Obviously, it was a huge undertaking, and a significant responsibility for a young leader.   In

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People, including current and future leaders, who truly want to grow, achieve greater success, and become better leaders, spend significant time closely observing and learning from the top performers. In the book The Little Book of Talent, Daniel Coyle writes: “We each live with a ‘windshield’ of people in front of us; one of the keys

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In the busyness of the daily grind, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and never-ending to-do lists, it’s easy to get worn down and frustrated. Some days, it seems like nothing ever goes right, and all you can do is dream about that beach vacation that might never happen.   Unfortunately, I can’t help you achieve that beach vacation.

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