An Inspirational Leader: Traci Bernard

By Dan Nielsen

June 11, 2014

Traci Bernard

As part of the research for my next book, titled Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, I am interviewing highly successful inspirational leaders from all across America.

Following each interview, I contact several colleagues of the person interviewed and ask for additional perspectives regarding the leadership of the individual I interviewed. The response has been truly amazing—in fact, inspirational!

After interviewing Traci Bernard, President and CEO of Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital at Southlake, one of the questions I asked several of her colleagues was, “Do you feel that Traci is an inspirational leader?” Traci’s colleagues individually—with no knowledge of what other colleagues might be saying—wrote the following:

“Traci Bernard, I believe, is beyond what the typical definition and/or response would be for an inspirational leader. In my entire career, I have never had such a privilege, as I do now, to come to work each day, and work for such a fantastic role model and leader. Traci always exudes positivity and leads with an uplifting calm that permeates through the halls of the hospital and with everyone she comes into contact with. She knows every single person’s name. She remembers stories staff and physicians share with her, and she follows up on them when she sees them. Her door is always open and she will stop whatever she is doing to talk with anyone who comes by her office. Everyone feels valued here. We all feel special. We all feel at home. We are family. And it starts with Traci.” – Laura Fuquay

“Traci Bernard is the most inspirational leader I have ever had the pleasure of working for. There is not one day (in the two years that I have worked closely with her) that she has not started off her morning with a sing-song ‘Good Morning!!’ and a smile—it is motivating and encourages me to bring the best ‘me’ to THS every day!” – Laura Wahl

“I absolutely feel that Traci is an inspirational leader. In my opinion she conducts herself in an ethical way and models the traits she wants to see in others. In doing so she has earned the respect of those around her. This contributes to employees and other stakeholders having pride in working for her.” – Anthony Romero

“Yes. Traci inspires through the way she treats others. She shows respect and compassion to all she encounters every time, all the time. She is consistent, and that is so important as a leader.” – Jessica Hill 

“Traci inspires me by the way she leads by example. She is positive, caring and genuine.” – Karen Adams

What amazing and encouraging responses from this leader’s colleagues! How about you—what do your colleagues say about your leadership? What do people throughout your organization say about the senior leaders you have selected to comprise the senior leadership of your organization?

Do you and your senior leaders set the example and inspire colleagues throughout your organization as described above? TRUE INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIP IS PRICELESS!

If you know of an inspirational leader you believe I should interview and possibly feature in my upcoming book, please send me an email at


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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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