Lately we’ve been discussing how to empower those you lead. One of the most important keys to empowering those you lead is to give them appropriate authority. This is the area most people think of when they hear the word empower, and it is a vital component of inspirational leadership. Author and management consultant Mac

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Investing in the life, wellbeing, and growth of those you lead is one of the greatest elements of inspirational leadership. However, some leaders are hesitant to really invest in their employees. Why? Because they’re afraid they will lose their investment if that person chooses to leave their organization and pursue other opportunities. While that is

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It should go without saying that inspirational leaders are encouraging leaders. Inspiration and encouragement go hand in hand, and nothing is more opposite inspiration than discouragement. It is virtually impossible for a person to feel both discouraged and inspired at the same time. So to inspire, a leader must also encourage. Encouragement boosts morale, motivation,

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Giving and receiving feedback is one of those things that we all know is important, but in practice, can be daunting and uncomfortable—for both the giver and receiver. So how do you deliver feedback, especially corrective feedback, in a positive and constructive way? Here are 9 best practices: Be timely. “Timeliness is critical in order

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I recently had lunch at a Chick-fil-A restaurant in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The experience was significantly different and better than what I normally experience having lunch throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and for that matter, throughout America as I travel for business and pleasure. As I reflected on my experience, I identified 5 reasons I felt

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I recently read an excellent article by John Meese titled “How To Protect Key Relationships While Building Your Platform.” In the article Meese shared 5 key rules to follow if you desire to build healthy relationships with the people around you while also building a successful online platform. I think Meese’s advice can be slightly

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A few weeks ago we discussed the critical importance of investing in those you lead, including providing relevant training and education options and creating opportunities for individual growth. Another way in which inspirational leaders invest in and empower those they lead is by equipping them beyond the essentials required to fulfill their job description.  

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A few weeks ago I posed a simple question to my LinkedIn connections and followers: “In a word or two… what does Inspirational Leadership mean to you?” 17 people took a few moments to respond, and each response was excellent! Here they are: Kind Trust, caring, encouraging Uplifting, inspirational Visionary, mentor Listening and empowering Practicing

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“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” – Jack Welch In this day and age, I think very few leaders want their employees to perform their duties like mindless drones as opposed to the thoughtful, innovative people that they are.

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Leading by example may seem like an overly simple (and endlessly repeated) concept. So much so that you likely haven’t spent much time thinking about it in recent years because you already know that leading by example is important. But I hope you don’t dismiss this age-old principle as overrated or too obvious to even

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Retired attorney and ethics professor Michael Josephson once wrote: “Great leaders are principled; they are not merely effective, they are ethical. They adhere to moral principles in forming their objectives and using the methods of influence. They engender trust and credibility because of their integrity and loyalty and because they care about their followers and

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You probably don’t have your personal values written out and posted on the wall somewhere. You likely haven’t even thought through and named each of the values you strive to embody. But whether articulated or not, everyone lives by a set of values, and organizations should too. Some may argue that “corporate values” just end

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Last week we talked about the importance of articulating your vision to those you lead by painting a vivid picture of the future. Just as important: sharing your own excitement and passion for that vision. It should go without saying that in order for leaders to inspire others with their vision for the future, they

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My wife is an extremely gifted interior designer, and she loves what she does. She regularly envisions gorgeous kitchen renovations, stunning bathroom makeovers, and incredible contemporary updates for homes and businesses. But in order to bring those visions to reality, she must first get her clients to see what she sees. Without first painting a

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As former University of Notre Dame president Theodore Hesburgh once said, “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” Simply put, leaders must have an idea of what future they are leading toward if they are to have any hope of getting anyone to follow!

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A few weeks ago I wrote about one of my colleagues and a unique experience she had when a group of her peers spent a few very intentional minutes sincerely praising and recognizing her for the wonderful person she is. This is a beautiful example of the value of appreciation and recognition. In chapter 11

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When writing my latest book, Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, I knew I wanted to include a section about raising up other leaders. Initially I titled that section “Implement a Leader-Development Strategy.” But as I thought about and worked on that particular chapter and really dug into the research, I realized that implementing

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When investing in those you lead, don’t just offer general job training and educational programs to your people as a whole; go beyond group solutions to really focus on specific needs, customizing growth opportunities according to individual roles, interests, and strengths. Strive to recognize potential in those you lead and push them to achieve it

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Leadership coach Peter Baeklund once heard this exchange between an organization’s CFO and CEO: CFO: “What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave us?” CEO: “What happens if we don’t, and they stay?” While the CFO was understandably concerned with the organization’s expenditures and bottom line, the CEO wisely understood

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One of my team members left this week with her family to begin formal training to become foreign missionaries. They will be moving to another country in just a few months time. This young woman, Emily Sirkel, has worked with me for the past five and a half years, and it has been a privilege and an honor to have her

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