You might not think about it very much (or maybe you do), but whether you realize it or not, you (yes you) have a “personal brand.” I’m not just talking about your social media persona—though sure, that is part of it. Every person, no matter their online presence or lack thereof, has a personal brand.
That’s right, each and every person has a personal brand—there’s really no choice! Your personal brand speaks, via both words and actions, loud and clear every single day. Your personal brand is displayed in everything you do or say, post or share, write or teach.
How much time, energy, and wisdom do you allocate to making sure that your personal brand is exactly what it should be? Does your personal brand accurately reflect who you are, what you believe, and where your strengths lie?
Does the way others see your personal brand really line up with who you are and how you want to be perceived? Is your personal brand truly authentic?
As I wrote in another article several years ago, “in our pursuit of greater success we must be careful not to lose our authenticity.” I went on to explain how in our effort to improve ourselves (or our personal brand), we might modify our behavior to mirror those of a mentor or guru, or try to follow a list of tips we read in a book. But in the process, we can lose sight of who we really are and end up looking inauthentic, like we are trying to be something we are not.
As you develop your personal brand, it is crucial that you stay true to yourself and to your unique personality, talents, and strengths. While you may be tempted to portray yourself in a certain light, don’t let societal expectations overshadow who you really are. Be wise, be strategic, but above all, be authentic.
Authenticity goes a long way.