We all have different stories. We have different backgrounds and experiences. We have different families and friends, different neighborhoods and communities, different education and work. We have different interests, preferences, opinions, and perspectives.
Our lives are built and our stories written day by day and year by year, from ordinary, monotonous routine to extraordinary, intense events, and everything in between. And each of our lives and our stories is different.
You might be tempted to think that your life isn’t particularly interesting or exciting. You might even think your story doesn’t really matter. But that’s not true. Your story does matter. Don’t discount your story.
I have learned from experience, you never know when and where your perspective, or what you have to say or share, may be exactly what someone else needs at that very moment!
- The teasing you endured in middle school
- The leader who first gave you a chance
- The years of hiding your addiction
- The chaos of raising small children
- The friend who never stopped believing in you
- The sad decline of another relationship
- The thrill of starting your own business
- The frustrating years of parenting teenagers
- The joy of seeing your loved ones succeed
- The ups and downs of faith and doubt
- The diagnosis that made you weep
- The lonely peace of an empty nest
- The unwelcome advice you finally recognized as wisdom
Everyone’s story is different. But everyone’s story is brimming with wisdom. Don’t discount your story. Share the wisdom from your story. I guarantee, it will prove to be wisdom for someone else’s story too.