We can learn from Benjamin Franklin’s personal method to improve in specific areas through very intentional focus and repetition.
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We can learn from Benjamin Franklin’s personal method to improve in specific areas through very intentional focus and repetition.
...This time of year many of us are thinking about the habits in our lives that we want to change—or new habits we want to establish. What habits do you want to work on this year?
...I have long admired the leadership and wisdom of the late General Colin Powell. I had the privilege a number of years ago to spend about thirty minutes alone with the General, and my positive perception and respect for him did not diminish one bit – in fact, it increased exponentially! He was a man …
What does your personal mission statement look like? Do you know where you’re going? Do your current actions and goals align with the place you want to end up? I encourage you to take a reflective moment and figure out just what you want to accomplish out of life.
...Investing in the life, wellbeing, and growth of those you lead is one of the greatest elements of inspirational leadership. Don’t let fear of losing them prevent you from investing in your employees!
...Humility is considered by some to be more of a weakness than a strength. But I don’t think humility is a weakness, I think it is an essential quality of a strong leader. In fact, I think it takes strength to be humble!
...Whatever your own self-care routine may be, chances are your little bit of “selfishness” is actually helping you be more selfLESS in the long run!
...Differences of opinion are not strictly a matter of right or wrong, good or bad, but are rather different versions of “better.”
...Too late, too hard, too bad? Never! Take a lesson from Ed Bray: It’s never too late to learn or try something new!
...Not every ‘essential’ trait is going to be one of your personal strengths, and that’s okay. But I do believe that there is one particular success trait that really is essential, and it’s a trait that I think everyone who desires greater success can learn and strengthen.
...When planning and anticipating something important, it’s very easy and very tempting to spend time and energy thinking about all the negative possibilities. Perhaps, if you consider from every angle each scenario where something might go drastically wrong, then you can proactively avoid those scenarios! Seems logical, right? In reality, thinking about everything that could …
Showing appreciation for the good things in your life, and expressing gratitude for the people in your life will always pay amazing dividends back into your own life!
...If you’re in your youth, don’t rush toward tomorrow and forget to make the best of today. Or if you’re getting older, don’t fret over your yesterdays or your dwindling tomorrows – make the best of today!
...No matter how deeply rooted you are in a certain career, community, culture, or lifestyle, you don’t have to be stuck. You are not a tree.
...Are you ready to change your mindset and believe it’s never too late to start over? Are you willing to work hard, be consistent, and really pursue your dreams? It’s never too late to change your story’s ending!
...For me, it was a quart of milk. Gifts and rewards, in all areas of life and work, don’t need to be big; they just need to be strategic and deeply valued and appreciated by the recipient!
...Your thoughts have more influence on your life than you might think. Yes, without action your thoughts may not be worth much, but in reality, it doesn’t take much for your thoughts to become action.
...Don’t wait until you notice (or someone points out) ‘cracks in your foundation.’ Be proactive, and choose today to be intentional about forming and maintaining a solid foundation of positive character.
...Every time that we create, write or perform for the public eye, we invite critique. Forget about that man in the back who didn’t laugh at your jokes, or the person who walked out during your presentation. It’s ok. It’s not for them.
...The wisest among us clearly understand that from a broad, long-term, successful life perspective, less is usually more.