In a recent wide-ranging interview with Traci Bernard, President, Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital in Southlake, Texas, I asked the following question: If someone in the healthcare field asked you for 3 to 5 very important Tips for Success, what would you say? Traci’s response provides excellent food for thought… and action… as each of us prepare for personal

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Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, provided excellent ‘tips for success’ and ‘food for thought’ during a commencement address at Stanford University, one of the world’s leading research and teaching institutions. Job’s told his personal story regarding facing death and the significance of death: “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve

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Virtually everyone who reads Tips for Success is incredibly blessed.  So blessed that it is nearly impossible to measure the true extent of our blessings!  So blessed that it is virtually impossible to adequately express the full extent of our gratitude and thanksgiving! In spite of all our imperfections, weaknesses and mistakes, we are incredibly blessed, both

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I recently asked Curtis Rooney, President of the Health Industry Group Purchasing Association (HIGPA), a series of important questions. His answers provide excellent Tips for Personal and Professional Success! Curtis is President of HIGPA, the leading organization that advocates on behalf of healthcare group purchasing organizations (GPOs) in Washington, D.C.   He is responsible for the

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In the book titled: The Right To Lead, the prolific leadership author and expert John C. Maxwell writes the following: “What Gives A Man Or Woman The Right to Lead? It certainly isn’t gained by election or appointment.  Having position, title, rank, or degrees doesn’t qualify anyone to lead other people.  And the ability doesn’t come

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Do people trust you?  Think about it… really stop and think about it. Do people trust you implicitly?  Are you trusted to be forthright and honest with everyone… all the time?  Do people trust that you will be fair… not some of the time, but all of the time?  Do people believe and trust that

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If you want to fail… or not come close to your full potential… allow yourself to fall into the alluring, ego-fulfilling trap of assuming, thinking, or even acting from time to time, as if you are infallible! Assume or act as if you are infallible… now there is a guaranteed winning strategy… for failure!  Join

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If you want to fail… or not come close to your full potential… here is a guaranteed winning strategy!  Simply isolate yourself.  Join the millions of people who have created their own personal or professional bubble…  a guaranteed winning strategy to fail. Dick Cavett had it right when he said, “It’s a rare person who

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I recently reviewed a book titled The Absolutes of Leadership.  The book was written by Philip Crosby, one of the world’s leading consultants in his prime.  The book is recommended by Warren Bennis, the world renowned leadership thinker, author and teacher.  Suffice it to say that the book contains plenty of excellent food for personal and

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Most unsuccessful people and organizations are highly successful and highly effective at risk aversion.  They avoid risk, even prudent risk like the plague! Actions speak louder than words. Most “losers,” most “ultimate failures,” most “unsuccessful” people avoid risk….particularly sound, carefully thought-out, prudent risk.  These people and organizations are focused on avoiding perceived or real temporary

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Warren Buffett, considered by many experts to be one of the best, brightest and most successful business leaders in the world, wrote the following about his lifelong friend and business colleague Don Keough:  “After all these years, every time I see Don Keough I feel as refreshed as I do after drinking a Cherry Coke. 

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Warren Buffett wrote these high impact words.  “It has been an article of faith for me that I should always try to hang out with people who are better than I… There is no question that by doing so you move yourself up.” If that strong article of faith is important to and critical for

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“You were right… I was wrong.”  “You are right… I am wrong.”  “You had it right… I had it wrong.”  “I should not have said what I said… particularly in the way I said it.”  “I acted without accurate, adequate information.  I responded too quickly.”  “In hindsight, I acted selfishly… foolishly… prematurely… without accurate, adequate

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Want to distinguish yourself from 98% of the “competition?”  Want to distinguish yourself from 90 to 95% of all people and all organizations across the entire world?  Want to live a life filled with joy, fulfillment, happiness, love, virtually unlimited opportunities, wonderful colleagues, as well as supportive friends, friends and more friends? Every day, every

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Traditionally, an eager young (or younger) person, with sincere aspirations to learn, grow and succeed is matched with, or approaches an “older, more experienced, supposedly wiser person” in order to establish a successful mentor/mentee relationship. In almost all cases, it is assumed that virtually all of the value of a mentor/mentee relationship, commonly known as

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You may read or hear results, from time to time, regarding national surveys designed to identify “The Happiest People in America.”  Numerous credible publishers, as well as regional and national media organizations annually conduct such surveys using a variety of tools, methods and resources. Surprising to many people, the results of these surveys more often than

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The most successful people… the most successful organizations… on every continent and in every country throughout the world… are intentionally and intensely focused on “the personal, professional and organizational experiences” of the people and organizations they serve! Every successful organization carefully monitors satisfaction and “the customer experience.”  You will find a direct and high correlation between the

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Stephen M. R. Covey, the highly successful son of Dr. Stephen R. Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) writes and speaks on the critical importance of trust.  A Harvard MBA, Stephen wrote the book entitled The Speed of Trust.  Stephen speaks and consults around the world regarding the critical importance and the many benefits

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First, let’s acknowledge that Elvis Presley had plenty of weaknesses and failures… just like you and me.  Throughout his entire personal and professional life, Elvis struggled with many issues and temptations… just like you and me.  Elvis was far from perfect… just like you and me. So why have over one billion Elvis Presley records

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Lisa Disbrow, a young successful entrepreneur and mother of two from North Carolina was featured in a recent issue of Inc. Magazine.  The article provides detail regarding Lisa’s struggle to balance her personal and professional life, including time and focus on her successful clothing boutiques, given her unfortunate diagnosis, treatment and the increasingly devastating impact

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