Want to significantly increase your personal and professional contributions, value, success (however you define success) and legacy?  Harness and indulge regularly in focused creative thinking! Annette Moser-Wellman, author of The Five Faces of Genius states “The most valuable resource you bring to your work and to your firm is your creativity.  More than what you get done,

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While serving on the board of directors of a fast growing savings and loan company, I watched, admired and learned from the focused thinking of our chairman.  It is not an exaggeration to state that a fire could have been burning down the hall from where the board of directors met, and our chairman would

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Through the circumstances and trauma of an overbooked, overburdened and overstressed life, quite similar to the lives led by millions of very busy people in this age of 24/7 demands and expectations, Suzy Welch developed “an enhanced thinking system process of sorts, a methodology for getting systematic about things.”  She started making her decisions, in

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In the first chapter of his book entitled, How Successful People Think, John Maxwell states that “Big picture thinking brings wholeness and maturity to a person’s thinking.  It brings perspective.”  It is intentionally making the mental frame and picture bigger so that you can see more and do more.  Maxwell explains that big-picture thinkers: Learn Continually

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Could you improve all areas of your personal and professional life by improving and refining your thinking?  Of course you could… we all could… and we all should.  It is a day-by-day, life long process.  Absolutely nothing separates highly successful people from less successful people more than the quality and impact of their thinking! In

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A few years ago, Douglas Barry, an unusually bright 17 year old high school senior wrote a book entitled, Wisdom for a Young CEO: Incredible Letters and Inspiring Advice from Today’s Business Leaders.  At age 14, Douglas decided to become a CEO.  He sent letters to more than one hundred CEOs asking them: “What does it

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Develop the habit of rereading some of your best “old” books.  Just like great “old” people, you will be amazed how relevant great “old” books still are and what you can learn. You will once again read great advice and perspectives you read years ago that you are still not most effectively applying to your

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In preparing for a presentation/discussion I will lead next week for the senior leadership of Texas Health Partners, a wholly owned subsidiary of Texas Health Resources, and their partner organizations, I have been rereading an excellent book on leadership, as well as personal and professional success.  This excellent book, entitled Wooden On Leadership, is authored by

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A recent article in the April 13, 2009 Fortune Magazine reinforces the critical importance and the many significant advantages of nurturing growth, development and success by building from within.  The Fortune Magazine Top Performers Series features the world’s most admired companies.  This particular article, entitled P&G’s Leadership Machine, features the highly successful and proven formula P&G uses

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Don’t just read it!  “Mark it up” and make it your own. Use it.  Apply it. Let’s take this journey together.   As I pulled up a chair and sat down while holding my overpriced cup of coffee, one of my wonderful Starbucks buddies, Bob Chrampanis, Chief Pilot for The Richards Group in Dallas, Texas, handed

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