The late John Wooden, an extraordinary leader and basketball coach, had a powerful leadership statement: “Don’t tell me what you’re going to do. Show me what you will do.” This leadership philosophy and expectation is as relevant for organizations, teams, colleagues, friends, and family as it is for individual leaders like you and me. “Don’t tell me what you’re

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“What are you becoming?” This is a critical question every leader should frequently ask him or herself—and answer in detail. This is also a question every leader should frequently ask each and every direct report and team member. Not only is the question critical to achieving your potential and reaching your personal and professional goals and dreams, it is

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As leaders, we are constantly coaching, teaching, and influencing those whom we are privileged to lead. Leadership is very serious business! Your leadership will have a long-lasting positive or negative impact on each person and each organization you lead. We really don’t have a choice. If you are a leader—and everyone is a leader—you are

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I have long been passionate about achieving greater success and helping others achieve greater success—however you define success. Today I want to take a closer look at exactly that—how we each define success.   Darren Hardy, the founder and publisher of SUCCESS magazine, has the unique opportunity to intimately speak with some of the most

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  Former cabinet member John W. Gardner said, “The first and last task of a leader is to keep hope alive—the hope that we can finally find our way through to a better world—despite the day’s action, despite our own inertness, shallowness, and wavering resolve.”   Create, nurture, and keep hope alive—this is a universal

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Leaders can be motivated by many things. Some leaders pursue a position of leadership simply because it’s a normal career path. Others become leaders in hopes of greater salaries and better benefits. And of course there will always be the leaders who are seeking power and control.   But by far the best leaders are

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By many standards, I have led a very successful life. I worked my way up from humble beginnings to enjoy a long career well suited to my talents and personality. Early in life I made some wise investments that are continuing to pay off today, enabling me to live comfortably and enjoy my ‘retirement.’ And

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As I’ve said many times, I strongly believe that “Leadership Excellence is the Ultimate Strategy for Success.” I also believe that an organization’s culture is paramount to its overall impact and success. And as is true with so many things, an organization’s culture starts at the top. Building and exemplifying a strong, positive company culture

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  Author and speaker Jim Clemmer says, “The basic foundation of leading is optimism.” If you stop to reflect on that statement, it really does make sense. In order to be a leader, you must lead someone somewhere, and optimism is at the heart of forward progress. Conversely, pessimism is the language of stagnation. It’s

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I recently revisited a blog article from last summer, written by bestselling author and speaker Jon Gordon. In the article, Gordon shared five leadership lessons he learned from some highly successful organizations and teams. I think these five lessons are essential for every leader to remember, so I am passing them on to you today:

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As I drove up the winding road toward the top of the hill, my anticipation mounted with each light post and flag I passed. I was already impressed by the California landscape, with green rolling hills and bright blue sky as far as the eye could see. When I rounded the last corner and reached

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He had long yearned to serve his country as a soldier, but poor eyesight prevented any possibility of winning appointment to one of the academies. Undeterred, he memorized the eye chart and entered the National Guard, going on to serve in the First World War. Upon arrival in France, he was soon promoted to captain

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Had his peers fully understood the extent of his limitations, few would have expected him to attempt what he did. None would have blamed him if he hadn’t even tried. But he wasn’t a man to back down from a challenge. He realized that the odds were stacked against him and enormous obstacles stood in

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He lay awake that night and thought about the irony of his situation. There were so many people who would give anything to be in his place, people who had carefully planned and diligently worked for years hoping to attain what he had just had handed to him. Though he accepted his sudden ‘good fortune,’

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His dream was coming crashing down around him. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be; this wasn’t what he had worked so hard to achieve. From the time he was a little boy he had known he wanted to join the Navy. He had worked hard throughout school in order to have the grades

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