Roadblocks are a fact of life and leadership and are often unavoidable. We may not be able to prevent or avoid every roadblock, but we can change how we approach and deal with them.
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Roadblocks are a fact of life and leadership and are often unavoidable. We may not be able to prevent or avoid every roadblock, but we can change how we approach and deal with them.
...Inspiration, unlike motivation, is real and enduring. True inspiration is invaluable – if you can truly inspire those whom you lead, everyone will win!
...Today I want to share some characteristics of inspirational leaders along with a selection of quotes that appear in my first book, Presidential Leadership, and are relevant to everyone who desires to be an inspirational leader.
...Today, at the beginning of this new year, take a few moments for self reflection. Days, weeks, months, and years from now, what will others remember about how you made them feel? Your words and actions today will fade from memory. But the way those words and actions made others feel might last a lifetime.
...Whether it’s observing a little girl share her ice cream with her brother, witnessing a teenage boy give up his seat for an elderly woman on the subway, receiving an unexpected and precious gift from a friend, or getting the opportunity to bless an overwhelmed waiter with a big tip, kindness and generosity have a way of bringing beauty into even the ugliest days.
...The incredible positive effects of frequently feeling and expressing gratitude have been extensively studied, but it doesn’t take science to know that being grateful makes you happier and more successful.
...There really is no failure unless you quit. While you can’t control what life throws at you, you can determine your response. In life’s many battles, your attitude is the most powerful weapon you wield.
...Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! – Dan Nielsen
...Looking back on my life, I am filled with gratitude that the path I have chosen is one of cherishing relationships. I can sincerely and truthfully say that I’ve done my best to show love, compassion, and generosity to the many, many people in my life. I also am deeply thankful that I have many, many people in my life who I know care for me in return.
...Inspirational leaders understand that confidence is just as vital for success as competence. As Andy Core writes, “Self-confidence is one of those intangible traits that encourages an employee to do their work well.” In other words, confidence in themselves and what they’re doing leads to greater competence.
...In order for leaders to inspire others with their vision for the future, they themselves must be inspired and passionate about it!
...Inspirational leaders must paint a vivid picture of the future in order to inspire those they lead to follow them toward that vision.
...Whether it’s a gravesite visit, an in-person visit, a phone call or letter, or simply some time alone to think and reflect over cherished memories and express your gratitude in writing, make the time and do it!
...In my book, Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, I spend an entire chapter on the concept of leveraging the power of habit to become a better, more effective inspirational leader. Here are 8 examples I include in that chapter of habits you might want to develop as part of your journey to becoming a more inspirational leader.
...Inspirational, accountable leaders readily respond to problems and take action to correct them. Or as Eleanor Roosevelt so eloquently put it, these leaders “Light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.”
...Humility is considered by some to be more of a weakness than a strength. But I don’t think humility is a weakness, I think it is an essential quality of a strong leader. In fact, I think it takes strength to be humble!
...Too late, too hard, too bad? Never! Take a lesson from Ed Bray: It’s never too late to learn or try something new!
...As a kid, did you ever make a club with your friends? You might not have had an official clubhouse, like on The Little Rascals, but you probably had a special place you hung out, and certain rules about who could be part of the club. Or maybe you didn’t create a club, but there was …
When planning and anticipating something important, it’s very easy and very tempting to spend time and energy thinking about all the negative possibilities. Perhaps, if you consider from every angle each scenario where something might go drastically wrong, then you can proactively avoid those scenarios! Seems logical, right? In reality, thinking about everything that could …
Showing appreciation for the good things in your life, and expressing gratitude for the people in your life will always pay amazing dividends back into your own life!