As I write this Tips for Success, I am sitting on Waikiki Beach, the Jewel of the Pacific.  The most famous resort and recreation spot in the world.  Don’t worry… I’m not in the sun!  Can’t afford any more wrinkles when you are my age.  On the other hand, at my age, who gives a

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Feed, nurture and exercise mind and body… simultaneously for exponential potential and guaranteed results.  A winning combination for successful people! John is an avid walker.  When home in Dallas, he walks 3 to 5 times a week in an upscale, multi level shopping mall called the Galleria.  Typically he walks briskly around the interior perimeter of

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Want to significantly increase your personal and professional contributions, value, success (however you define success) and legacy?  Harness and indulge regularly in focused creative thinking! Annette Moser-Wellman, author of The Five Faces of Genius states “The most valuable resource you bring to your work and to your firm is your creativity.  More than what you get done,

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Guest Author: Deb Stargardt, Dallas, Texas:   A = x + y + z “If A is success in life, then A = x + y + z.  Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.” ~Albert Einstein Albert Einstein had a formula for success.   Clearly, his brilliance wasn’t limited

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While serving on the board of directors of a fast growing savings and loan company, I watched, admired and learned from the focused thinking of our chairman.  It is not an exaggeration to state that a fire could have been burning down the hall from where the board of directors met, and our chairman would

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Through the circumstances and trauma of an overbooked, overburdened and overstressed life, quite similar to the lives led by millions of very busy people in this age of 24/7 demands and expectations, Suzy Welch developed “an enhanced thinking system process of sorts, a methodology for getting systematic about things.”  She started making her decisions, in

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In the first chapter of his book entitled, How Successful People Think, John Maxwell states that “Big picture thinking brings wholeness and maturity to a person’s thinking.  It brings perspective.”  It is intentionally making the mental frame and picture bigger so that you can see more and do more.  Maxwell explains that big-picture thinkers: Learn Continually

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It is 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 25, 2009.  The conference room at Ackley Financial Group in Dallas, Texas is filled to capacity with highly successful entrepreneurs and business executives, all of whom are successful leaders on many levels, including in their businesses and their community.  Each one of these very busy men and women had

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Could you improve all areas of your personal and professional life by improving and refining your thinking?  Of course you could… we all could… and we all should.  It is a day-by-day, life long process.  Absolutely nothing separates highly successful people from less successful people more than the quality and impact of their thinking! In

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What can you learn from a janitor?  What can you learn from thousands of so called “lower level” employees working in thousands of organizations, in all segments of business and industry across America and around the world?  The answer is PLENTY… and probably far more than most mid-level, upper-level, senior-level executives and professionals realize.  This is

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Virtually everyone reading this Tips for Success is intellectually aware, and would agree that well thought out strategy should be developed before spending precious time and energy on tactics. However, reality proves that most people spend relatively little time and energy on strategy… then eagerly dive into spending significant time and energy on tactics.  This is true

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A few years ago, Douglas Barry, an unusually bright 17 year old high school senior wrote a book entitled, Wisdom for a Young CEO: Incredible Letters and Inspiring Advice from Today’s Business Leaders.  At age 14, Douglas decided to become a CEO.  He sent letters to more than one hundred CEOs asking them: “What does it

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In his classic book, How to Master the Art of Selling, author Tom Hopkins provided excellent food for thought—and action—regarding one’s approach to failure and achieving additional success (however you define success). Inspired by the work of Arthur Mort, Hopkins notes that the proper attitude toward failure should be not to “see failure as failure,”

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Massive, and yes, overwhelming creation, innovation, distribution, and access to just about everything and anything… anytime!  In-your-face relentless marketing and advertising… bombarding each and every one of us 24-7.  In 2009, it would be easy to consciously or unconsciously conclude that past advice, counsel, wisdom and principles are just not relevant in 2009 and beyond. 

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“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’”  Mary Kay Ash, the incredibly successful American businesswoman not only made this statement a million times; she built her entire business around this crucial concept.  By consistently living, modeling, mentoring, teaching, preaching and reinforcing

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Develop the habit of rereading some of your best “old” books.  Just like great “old” people, you will be amazed how relevant great “old” books still are and what you can learn. You will once again read great advice and perspectives you read years ago that you are still not most effectively applying to your

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I love this beautiful story.  It is said to be true… and that is good enough for me!  Even if it were not true, similar true stories happen all around the world, every day of the year.  And for that, we should all celebrate… and do everything each of us can do to see that

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The healthcare industry lost one of its very best on Father’s day, June 21, 2009.  Marlowe Senske, an incredibly gifted, kind and caring inspirational and servant leader, lost his courageous three year battle with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.  Marlowe was admired, respected and yes, very much loved by thousands of healthcare executives across America. Marlowe’s distinguished

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A friend sent me the following list.  I do not know who wrote or put this list together, but I do know there is incredible, life-changing advice and wisdom contained in this brief list.  Don’t just read this list, nod your head in agreement, and move on.  Print the list and/or cut and paste to a

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What four characteristics do all highly successful people have in common? 1. They all have strengths. 2. They all have weaknesses. 3. They all focus on, build, improve and leverage their strengths. 4. Highly successful people spend very little of their priceless energy and irreplaceable time trying to eliminate, reduce or significantly improve weaknesses that

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