Warren Buffett wrote the forword of a book I am currently studying.  Notice I said studying rather than just reading.  This excellent book is entitled The Ten Commandments for Business Failure.  The book was written by Donald R. Keough, the former president of The Coca-Cola Company. In the forword, Warren Buffet describes his highly successful life-long

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The December 2009/January 2010 issue of Inc. Magazine ran an interesting article entitled: How Does Jack LaLanne Do It?  Ninety-five and going strong… The Inc. Magazine article states, “When he opened his first health club in 1936 at 21, Jack LaLanne helped launch an industry that today brings in $19 billion annually.  A tireless advocate for

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President Abraham Lincoln, during a discussion with one of his aids, told the following story while in The White House: A witness in court in a neighboring county, who, on being asked his age replied, “Sixty.”  Being satisfied he was much older, the question was repeated, “The court knows you to be much older than

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You may have heard the story of two gentlemen who shared a hospital room.  During the several weeks they were together, they formed a special bond.  They would raise each other’s spirits on the bad days by sharing jokes and positive life stories.  On the good days, they simply rejoiced in being alive. The gentleman

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If you want significantly more success in your life (however you define success)… become an expert at focused, highly effective, long term collaboration! Focused, highly effective collaboration should be an important habit and part of your personal and professional foundation… that which all else is built upon… that on which all else sits and depends

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You have heard it said…. “She is a woman on a mission!”  “He is a man on a mission!”  In most cases, this comment is a high compliment regarding someone who is absolutely determined and highly focused on a clear, precise, important and measurable mission. What do important colleagues, friends and family say and think about you? 

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This time of year, we hear and see much about giving.  Television and radio broadcasts feature individuals and organizations that are giving to help the less fortunate.  The Internet is full of emails, podcasts, tweets, and hundreds of thousands of written, audio and/or video stories featuring individuals and organizations that are giving in order to

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Reid Hoffman has always been interested in improving people’s ecosystems, whether civic, education or economic.  He has always had interest in finding ways to reach people and then change and improve their lives. As an undergraduate at Stanford, Hoffman thought the way to accomplish his mission was to be an academic.  As a graduate student

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Nancy Gibbs wrote an interesting essay in the November 23, 2009 issue of Time Magazine.  The essay, entitled The Happiness Paradox, is well worth the read as well as serious thought and reflection.  The essay discusses results found by highly credible organizations that conduct surveys, 365 days a year, year in and year out, that measure

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Fortune Magazine, September 14, 2009, featured a fascinating article, with major global opportunities and implications that clearly displays the importance and high rewards of applying the “How Successful People Think” concepts mentioned below.  The Fortune article is entitled, The Best New Idea in Business.  The “hook” verbiage under the title, designed to attract interest in reading

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Christina Bielaszka-DuVernay, former senior associate editor at HarvardBusiness.org, interviewed Tim Butler recently regarding the topic of Staying Focused on Your Career Goals in Today’s Turmoil.  Tim Butler is a senior fellow at Harvard Business School and director of its career development programs.  Tim is also the author of Getting Unstuck: How Dead Ends Become New Paths (Harvard Business

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A very interesting and thought-provoking article was recently published in the Harvard Business Review.  The article entitled, What Your Leader Expects of You, was originally published in the April 2007 issue of the Harvard Business Review. The article suggests creating a “boss-subordinate compact” that defines a mutual set of crystal clear expectations.  Knowing that “boss-subordinate” or

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Excellence in strategic thinking… and appropriate implementation… align almost perfectly with what virtually every human being defines as success, regardless of how they define success. Successful pastors with growing and vibrant churches think and implement strategically.  The same is true for CEOs and senior leaders of all highly successful for profit and not-for-profit organizations across

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Who would argue with the reality that cultivating the potential for greatness is one of the most crucial priorities for any leader?  And, by the way, we are all leaders!  We are leaders at home, leaders at work, and leaders in multiple organizations and environments in which we are engaged. In addition to cultivating our

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“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.” –Max DePree, Chairman Emeritus, Herman Miller, Inc.  According to John Maxwell, “Hope is not a strategy… realistic thinking leads to excellence in leadership and management because it requires people to face reality… leaders who think realistically and plan accordingly position their organizations to win.” In

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If you have an upcoming sales meeting, team meeting, department meeting, division meeting or company wide meeting, you may be looking for a highly credible and easily remembered set of success principles that support your mission, culture, and objects… success principles that people can easily remember… and hopefully use on a daily basis.  Or, you

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Pam Bilbrey and Brian Jones have written a new book that is unquestionably highly relevant to all leaders… and to each and every person who is truly committed to greater personal and professional success (however they define success).  Thoughtful reading, with a desire and willingness to take action and make personal, professional and organizational changes,

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Are you a failure?  That’s right… I am asking you a serious question…are you a failure? After all, you have failed hundreds of thousands of times… as I have.  If you live long enough, and if you truly seek to reach your personal and professional potential (success), you will fail again… and again… and again.

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As I write this Tips for Success, I am sitting on Waikiki Beach, the Jewel of the Pacific.  The most famous resort and recreation spot in the world.  Don’t worry… I’m not in the sun!  Can’t afford any more wrinkles when you are my age.  On the other hand, at my age, who gives a

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Feed, nurture and exercise mind and body… simultaneously for exponential potential and guaranteed results.  A winning combination for successful people! John is an avid walker.  When home in Dallas, he walks 3 to 5 times a week in an upscale, multi level shopping mall called the Galleria.  Typically he walks briskly around the interior perimeter of

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