Have you ever been described as someone who is “a bit quirky” or as someone who “pursues things that seem unreasonable and unreachable?”  If so, did that description cause you to sell out and significantly change who you really are? Have you ever been criticized for being “a bit quirky” or for being someone who “pursues things that seem

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C.S. Lewis wrote, “The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.”  That is one powerful statement!  Excellent advice that will, if heeded, significantly improve your leadership and your positive impact as you move through life.   The most effective leaders very carefully select those who

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A million times, all leaders have heard and read the many benefits of a “win-win,” “make sure everyone wins,” “mutually beneficial” life-long philosophy. We also know that such a life-long philosophy is useless unless backed up with consistent action and behavior. I am a huge proponent of not just believing, but living such a philosophy

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Ken Blanchard has written extensively regarding the hundreds of benefits of ‘catching people doing things right.’ The benefits and positive results for all concerned are astounding. If done properly, there is no downside to ‘catching people doing things right.’ Hundreds of benefits… for all concerned… with no downside. Now that is something worth pursuing! During

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Celebrate Success! Sounds simple. Sounds basic. Sounds logical. Sounds intuitive. Sounds like common sense. Sounds like everyone would appropriately celebrate success for a million great reasons. Reality, in many cases, is quite different. It is astounding the number of people, the number of leaders (remember, everyone is a leader!), the number of organizations that do

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Continuing our discussion from last week, IBM recently released an extensive study titled “Capitalizing on Complexity.”  The study, conclusions and recommendation are based on face-to-face conversations with more than 1,500 CEOs worldwide. One of the major findings is that CEOs of ‘standout organizations’ are capitalizing on complexity by “Rethinking Customer Relationships.” “Customers keep getting connected —

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Saturday afternoon, August 14, 2010.  I am on sacred ground… sacred that is, for many of the most committed, passionate professional football fans throughout America and around the world.  The first preseason game of the Green Bay Packers will begin in 4 hours at revered Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Having lived in Dallas/Fort

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In order to be even modestly successful, healthcare leaders MUST become highly effective at influencing people who do not report to the healthcare leader.  In my experience over 40 years in healthcare, one of the most fundamental and critical core competencies of exceptional healthcare leaders is their ability to positively influence people who do not report to

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Virtually nothing is more important to healthcare provider leadership than physician relationships.  Unfortunately, a significant number of healthcare leaders do not reach their full potential due to poor physician relationships. Other healthcare leaders enjoy great success, in large part due to their excellent physician relationships. It has been my observation that the more senior the

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In a recent wide-ranging interview with Traci Bernard, President, Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital in Southlake, Texas, I asked the following question: Based on your experience and success as a healthcare leader, what two or three pieces of advice would you give a junior executive who aspires to be a hospital or healthcare provider CEO or senior executive?

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This is the second in a series of articles examining Leadership Lessons from the highly effective – yet often underrated – world-renowned leader named Dwight D. Eisenhower, the thirty-fourth president of the United States.   In the book entitled: Dwight Eisenhower’s Leadership Lessons, the editors write the following:   “As commander of all the allied troops, Dwight

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In a fascinating recent interview, the presidents of Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology described themselves and their world-class universities as “elevators of opportunity.” Merriam-Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary defines the word ‘elevator’ as follows: “One that raises or lifts something up; an endless belt or chain conveyor with cleats, scoops, or buckets for raising

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Over the past decade, increasing numbers of seasoned healthcare leaders have told me that they have reservations about attending many of the larger regional and national healthcare education and networking meetings. They say that it seems like many of these meetings have evolved into giant ‘meat markets’ for people looking for a job or seeking

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Seemingly Simple Successful Leadership Habits In his newly published best-selling book, Networking Is A Contact Sport, Joe Sweeney suggests that you keep four themes in mind as you read, study and implement the concepts and suggestions that are most applicable to you: Ask.  You have to learn how to ask good questions.  Since relationships deepen through face-to-face

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My new friend Joe Sweeney has just published a really good read, with great content and fascinating real-life stories and examples entitled: Networking Is A Contact Sport; How Staying Connected and Serving Others will Help You Grow Your Business, Expand Your Influence – Or Even Land Your Next Job.  And, if you are interested in sports, you

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It has been my honor to serve as facilitator for literally hundreds of small and large healthcare education and networking events over the past 25 years. These education and networking events include healthcare CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CMOs, CNOs, CIOs, and many other senior healthcare executives. It has also been my privilege to serve as a

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Given my background, experience and passion for effective networking, I was eager to read Joe Sweeney’s recently published book entitled: Networking Is A Contact Sport; How Staying Connected and Serving Others Will Help You Grow Your Business, Expand Your Influence – Or Even Land Your Next Job. It has been my honor to serve as facilitator

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Lessons Learned from Greenville Hospital System Doug Dorman, Vice President of Human Resources at Greenville Hospital System in Greenville, S.C., was the discussion leader for the topic, Employee Relations in a Down Economy. The discussion was part of a Leadership Conference for senior healthcare executives sponsored by PHTS and the South Carolina Healthcare Human Resources Association.

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If you want to fail… or not come close to your full potential… here is a guaranteed winning strategy!  Simply isolate yourself.  Join the millions of people who have created their own personal or professional bubble…  a guaranteed winning strategy to fail. Dick Cavett had it right when he said, “It’s a rare person who

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Warren Buffett wrote these high impact words.  “It has been an article of faith for me that I should always try to hang out with people who are better than I… There is no question that by doing so you move yourself up.” If that strong article of faith is important to and critical for

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