No one likes failure. No one sets out to fail. Even when you fearfully anticipate failure, you still try your best to avoid it. But failure, to some degree, is inevitable. Nobody can do everything perfectly every time. Even the most successful people have and will experience failure. Highly successful author and speaker Seth Godin

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Awhile back I saw and shared the following image on social media, which shows two photos of renowned basketball coach John Wooden side by side with basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (formerly known as Lew Alcindor). The two photos were taken decades apart, and are accompanied by the caption: “Never forget those who helped & guided

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This excellent quote from Golda Meir, former prime minister of Israel, is one of the best definitions of success I have ever read: “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all of your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility

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“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”  You’ve probably heard that statement a time or two—you may have even said it a few times. But is it really true? Do tough times really ‘toughen you up?’ I do believe there is much to be gained from facing challenges and overcoming hardships. But I also subscribe

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Quotes have a way of putting things into perspective. I receive inspirational quotes via email on a regular basis, and often like going through different quote books to see what wisdom I can glean from others. In an effort to never stop learning, reading through these tidbits of wisdom provides insight and tips for success,

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Throughout human history people have sought the key to happiness. Countless people have pursued wealth, power, fame, beauty, strength, health, hobbies, relationships, religion—and any number of other things—in hopes of finding happiness and fulfillment.  Frankly, I’m sure any and all of those pursuits may very well bring happiness to some people—the key to happiness is

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As you go through life and navigate job changes and career moves, chances are at some point you will work on your résumé. You will do your best to represent yourself in writing as well as you can, listing out relevant experience, skills, and achievements. But not everything you bring to the table can be

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Several years ago my friend and colleague Emily Sirkel wrote the following article about the importance of asking for help—not just for your own sake, but also for the benefit of those you ask. _________________________________________________________________________ I love moving. I also hate moving. Part of me is always eager for an adventure, for something new and

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Many virtues mark the life of a great leader. Integrity, ambition, vision, and empathy are just a few. But perhaps most important of all virtues is courage—because without the courage to hold fast, the demonstration of these other virtues is sporadic at best. Author, poet and performer Maya Angelou expressed this conviction when she said,

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I recently saw a deeply thought-provoking quote (author unknown) that I feel is particularly relevant in today’s world of hyper-communication where so many people write, record, post, send, comment, or in some other way share so many opinions and perspectives on a daily basis. The quote is this: “Silence is the best answer to someone

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Have you ever run a marathon? I personally have not, but I know people who have. But of those I know who have run a marathon, not one of them has ever won a marathon. However, if you know anything about marathons and race culture, then you probably know that you don’t have to win a marathon

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As a leader, how easily do you admit weakness or inadequacy? How often do you ask for help? Are you tempted to shelter your ego and muscle through difficulty on your own? In a blog post a few years ago, speaker, author and leader Michele Cushatt wrote about an experience she had that forced her

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“If you see things the right way, losses are opportunities to change and improve.” —John Maxwell No one likes to lose. But I think leaders especially don’t like to lose. Try as we might to keep our egos out of our leadership, it hurts our pride when we experience failure. As leaders, we’re “supposed to”

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Years ago, when I was working for VHA, there was a small family-owned and operated deli on the first floor of the building where our national offices were located. The deli was a convenient place to have coffee or a soda with a colleague, or to have lunch. I ate there frequently, as did many

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Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel grumpy all day for no good reason? Every little thing frustrates you and makes you grumpier. The glass is persistently half empty, and the look affixed to your face does not reflect sunshine and butterflies. I think we all have those days on

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You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Excuses are like armpits… everyone has them, and they all stink!” I’m not sure who first coined this amusing analogy, but it does have some truth in it. Of course some excuses really are valid, but many just plain ‘stink.’ Whether it’s to explain why someone is late or a

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Whether you’re working from home these days or adjusting to social distancing and mask-wearing in your organization’s workspace, building connections and cultivating authentic relationships is as important as ever. This week I want to share something I wrote several years ago, which I feel is still very relevant today. Below are 5 ways in which

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Imagine that you are facing a field full of targets. In your hand is a bow and arrow. You put your arrow in place, raise your bow, steady your arm, draw back, and release. Oh wait, I forgot to tell you to aim! Without aiming, it’s definitely possible that you’ll hit one of the many

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It has been many years since I’ve had young children living in my home, and many more since I was a child myself. Even my grandchildren are mostly grown up now. But one of my colleagues has three young children, and I’ve had the privilege of interacting with her little ones a few times over

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Some people are habitual procrastinators. It doesn’t matter what it is—doing the dinner dishes, paying a bill, or writing a term paper—they put it off until the last minute. But even if you’re not a notorious deadline pusher, it’s likely there are at least a few things you tend to procrastinate about. Maybe it’s starting

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