In the busyness of the daily grind, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and never-ending to-do lists, it’s easy to get worn down and frustrated. Some days, it seems like nothing ever goes right, and all you can do is dream about that beach vacation that might never happen.   Unfortunately, I can’t help you achieve that beach vacation.

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All leaders who aspire to achieve greater personal, professional, and organizational success should be focused on leading and teaching resilience. Resilience is what makes the difference between those who give up and those who press on and reach their goals. And that’s a very important thing. Just imagine the ramifications within your organization. Imagine what can

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  Today’s article is a guest post by Emily Sirkel, COO of the Dan Nielsen Company:   We all have something we dread doing. Cold calls. Certain household chores. An uncomfortable conversation (you know the one). Going to the dentist. Washing the cat. Your daughter’s first date. And so on and so forth…   For

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A recent issue of Inc. Magazine featured a brief article titled “The Three Things Employees Really Want.” Columnist Marc Barros explained that money is nice, but what employees care about most goes far deeper than just money: Purpose. Nobody wants just a job. People want to be part of a company that is clear about

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  We all love the extraordinary. Extraordinary is a word used to describe those things in life that take us by surprise and infuse a moment with just a little bit of magic.   You might smile and tell your mother that her pot roast is wonderful, or mention to a coworker that the concert

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The late John Wooden, an extraordinary leader and basketball coach, had a powerful leadership statement: “Don’t tell me what you’re going to do. Show me what you will do.” This leadership philosophy and expectation is as relevant for organizations, teams, colleagues, friends, and family as it is for individual leaders like you and me. “Don’t tell me what you’re

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  Some people seem to have all the luck. You know, those people who score the coolest assignments at work, find the best shopping deals, win random radio contests, marry gorgeous spouses, raise genius kids, and whose investments always pay off ten-fold. You know, those people you love to hate.   Are some people really

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“Success is a lousy teacher. It makes smart people think they can’t lose.” – Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates. If that statement is true—and I believe many, if not most times it is the absolute truth—each of us should take very serious pause to closely examine the huge ramifications of that statement and that truth in our lives and

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  “Here’s conventional wisdom: Success makes you happy. Happiness permits you to be generous. In fact, it actually works like this: Generosity makes you happy. Happy people are more likely to be successful.” – Seth Godin I believe there is truth in both statements. Success, happiness, and generosity all go hand in hand—but not necessarily

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In chapter 12 of his recent book titled, Sometimes You Win – Sometimes You Learn, John Maxwell writes the following: “To me, a mature person [and leader] is someone who has learned from losses, has gained wisdom, and possesses a strong emotional and mental stability in the face of life’s difficulties.” If you read this column regularly,

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It is the year 1963. A twelve-year-old boy sits in a pew at the back of an all-black church in Birmingham, Alabama, scribbling out math problems to pass the time as the service stretches on. Suddenly something the guest speaker says catches his attention: “If we can get the children to participate in this peaceful

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“What are you becoming?” This is a critical question every leader should frequently ask him or herself—and answer in detail. This is also a question every leader should frequently ask each and every direct report and team member. Not only is the question critical to achieving your potential and reaching your personal and professional goals and dreams, it is

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As a person who loves to learn something new every day, I tend to spend a lot of time thinking and brainstorming new ideas. I’m especially fond of brainstorming while walking or exercising, and also really enjoy brainstorming with colleagues. Often when I’m excited about a good idea, I send myself multiple voice messages to

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As leaders, we are constantly coaching, teaching, and influencing those whom we are privileged to lead. Leadership is very serious business! Your leadership will have a long-lasting positive or negative impact on each person and each organization you lead. We really don’t have a choice. If you are a leader—and everyone is a leader—you are

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