November 26, 2014

Maybe it happens in every industry. I don’t know because I have not served as a CEO and senior executive in every industry. Of course, neither has anyone else. However, I have served as a hospital and healthcare system CEO and senior executive for the past 40 years. Throughout this rather long and successful career,

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This week I celebrate my birthday. No, I won’t tell you which one. Let’s just say I stopped counting a long time ago! While occasionally a creaky knee or glance in the mirror reminds me of my age, most of the time I feel decades younger than I really am. You could say I’m young

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“We need to be as strategic with ourselves as we are with our careers and our businesses. We need to pace ourselves, nurture ourselves, and give ourselves fuel to explore, thrive, and perform.” This critical, life-long truth comes from chapter 8 of the book titled Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less by Greg McKeown. The author provides

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This morning when you got out of bed, did you ask yourself, “What really matters today? On this day, the only day I have for sure, what really matters?”   That is one of the most crucial questions—maybe the most crucial and impactful question—you could ask yourself each and every day as you get out

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Pablo Picasso once wrote, “Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.” In chapter 5 of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Greg McKeown addresses the critical need to escape, and the many advantages of purposefully scheduling time wherein you are unavailable for anything, other than to think. Do you openly coach, mentor, lead, and expect

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Most of us have dozens of conversations every day. Conversations with coworkers or customers, classmates at school, colleagues over lunch, friends on the golf course, our family around the dinner table, a casual acquaintance at the gym, or even the occasional stranger in line at the coffee shop. Ranging from mundane to fascinating and everything

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“If you believe being overly busy and overextended is evidence of productivity, then you probably believe that creating space to explore, think, and reflect should be kept to a minimum.” So writes Greg McKeown in his excellent book titled Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less.  Many leaders would not admit it, but their actions speak far

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As I’ve been working on writing my latest book, Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, I have (obviously) been thinking a lot about great leadership. In one of the chapters in the book I explore the topic of being accountable as a leader and what that looks like. There are many facets to being

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In chapter 4 of his book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less, Greg McKeown discusses the critical issue of continuous ‘trade-offs’ in our personal, professional and organizational lives. To make his point McKeown summarizes the hugely successful story of Southwest Airlines and how its leadership, led by Herb Kelleher for many years, has produced amazing financial results,

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It was my honor to serve as an on-site health industry consultant for the registrants—particularly first time registrants—at the Healthcare Supply Chain Association/Healthcare Industry Supply Chain Institute Expo held last week in Washington DC.   Curtis Rooney, President of HSCA, and Mike Copps, Executive Director of HISCI, and their teams did an outstanding job planning, executing, and

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Life is all about choices. The same is true regarding leadership. Leadership is all about choices. The short-term, long-term, and ultimate fate of every leader—that includes you—is determined by his or her choices. Highly successful leaders make wise, proactive choices. We are in a study of the excellent book titled Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less, written by Greg

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Most of us have some degree of “people-pleaser” in our personality. Even if you don’t worry too much about making everyone happy, it’s likely—at least subconsciously—that you care about how others perceive you.   It may be a bit backwards, but if we are honest with ourselves, sometimes as much as we desire to be

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In chapter three of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, author Greg McKeown poses an important and interesting question: “We have been taught from a young age that hard work is key to producing results, and many of us have been amply rewarded for our productivity and our ability to muscle through every task or challenge

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