Getting a jump on the day can often have a dramatic effect on how your day goes. We’ve all been there. You have 20 things to do before noon and you wake up dreading it all. This feeling often leads to a very stressful and non-productive day.   Last week, we got a glimpse of

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Through America’s Healthcare Leaders, I regularly get the amazing opportunity to interview and learn from great leaders and share their wisdom with others. One of the current featured leaders is Geoff Brenner, President and CEO of TPC. One of the recently released segments from my interview with Brenner contains excellent advice that is pertinent to

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Michael Hyatt recently published an excellent blog post titled “12 Proven Productivity Hacks to Help You Win Every Day.” Hyatt writes, “I want to share twelve proven productivity hacks that will empower you to get a jump on the day and perform at your peak.” He then briefly and beautifully discusses each of the following 12

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According to statistics, the average American spends about 1.5 hours on social media daily. Recently we discussed how habits, to a very large extent, determine our success or lack thereof. While social media usually becomes a habit that influences your life negatively, there are many benefits to be gleaned, especially with your career.   Over

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I am rereading and restudying the excellent and highly relevant book by Dr. Henry Cloud titled Necessary Endings: The Employees, Businesses and Relationships That All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Move Forward. You are invited to join me. A serious read or reread of this book cannot help but help you

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Habits, to a very large extent, determine our success, or lack thereof! It is no exaggeration that, in virtually every area of your life and career, habits will either make you or break you!   No one believes in the power and importance of habits more than Peter Legge, chairman and CEO of Canada Wide

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The wisest among us clearly understand that from a broad, long-term, successful life perspective, less is usually more. Mac Anderson, founder of Simple Truths and Successors, Inc., uses the excellent analogy of pruning a tree to support and explain this crucial concept. Anderson writes, “I compare it to pruning a tree. By removing the excess

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Bruce Lawrence, President & CEO of INTEGRIS Health in Oklahoma City, responded beautifully and succinctly to my question, “What advice would you offer to America’s current and future healthcare leaders?”   INTEGRIS Health is Oklahoma’s largest, not-for-profit, state-owned healthcare system. Lawrence has enjoyed a long and highly successful career at several major hospitals and healthcare systems,

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Peter Fine, president and CEO of Banner Health, made the following statement during a live, one-on-one interview at the Banner Health headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona: “Be Visible. Visibility breeds credibility and credibility breeds trust, so if you want to be trusted, you better be visible.” I had asked Fine a question regarding becoming and remaining

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I recently conducted and filmed a live one-hour interview with Mary Ellen Doyle, Corporate Vice President for Nursing Operations at Scripps Health.   Doyle is not only a highly successful veteran of senior healthcare leadership positions, she is passionate and totally committed to her work and mission.   In response to one of my questions during

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