If you’ve grown up with the English language, you have likely heard (or even used) the expression “…well, live and learn!” This casual English idiom refers to learning from your personal experience, or—most commonly—your mistakes.  Today for a little fun I’d like to expand the simple phrase “live and learn” to encompass a broader concept

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You may have seen the popular quote about living like a river that has been shared online countless times and in various forms. Here’s a version I shared on LinkedIn last week: “Rivers never go reverse. So try to live like a river. Forget your past and focus on your future. Always be positive!” – author unknown As

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Dictionary.com defines junk as “anything that is regarded as worthless, meaningless, or contemptible; trash.” The legendary race car driver Louise Smith once said: We all have “junk.” Some of our junk we are very aware of, but other junk we might not recognize as such. Either way, as Louise Smith wisely noted, our junk often

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I don’t know who to thank for penning this priceless piece of wisdom, but I couldn’t help but share it on LinkedIn this week:  What a wonderful piece of advice! But it is so much easier said than done, isn’t it?  So what exactly does it look like to not “let success go to your

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A few weeks ago I shared this quote on LinkedIn from an unknown author: “Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch, you’re starting from experience.” I’ve been reflecting on this concept for awhile now, and am just amazed at how true and relevant it is for virtually all of

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I have a question for you. Who is choosing your future? You? Your spouse or significant other? The person to whom you report?  The organization you currently work for? The people in your life who tell you what they think you should do and be?  Input and perspectives from others are highly valuable, if you

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Conflict. Tension. Confusion. Misunderstanding. Hurt feelings. These are all negative elements of relationships each of us has experienced at some point in our lives—whether with family, friends, or coworkers. On the flip-side, we’ve also experienced countless positive elements in our various relationships. Whatever their current state, the fact of the matter is that our relationships

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Most of us live in a near-constant state of busyness. Between the demands of job and career, home and family, friends and colleagues, church and community—not to mention your own health and sanity—open schedules and zero commitments are a rarity.  That constant busyness has become the norm for many of us, and we mostly do

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Former United States president Theodore Roosevelt is credited with having authored this memorable quote:  “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” While Roosevelt’s words certainly should make you chuckle, I hope they also make you stop and consider the truth in

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Some people are habitual procrastinators. It doesn’t matter what it is—doing the dinner dishes, paying a bill, or writing a term paper—they put it off until the last minute. But even if you’re not a notorious deadline pusher, it’s likely there are at least a few things you tend to procrastinate about. Maybe it’s starting

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Do you remember getting growing pains as a child? Those mysterious aches in the leg muscles were anything but pleasant! Yet despite the pain and discomfort, something good and important was happening at the same time: we were growing! Whether as a child or as an adult, have you ever had to make a big

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This weekend in the United States we will be celebrating Memorial Day. Memorial Day was established in the 1860s to annually recall and celebrate all American soldiers that have given their lives in service to our country. In honor of this national holiday, I would like to share a short story: There once was a

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In case you haven’t noticed, life doesn’t always go according to plan. Even the most carefully planned strategies and very best intentions get derailed by the unexpected and the unavoidable. It’s not just the big things, like career paths and families, that don’t always turn out the way we’d envisioned; we frequently get derailed in

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One of the chapters in the book I wrote a few years ago, Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, is titled “Be Teachable.” In it I wrote, “No matter their title, position, experience, education, or expertise, inspirational leaders know that they don’t know it all, and they remain open to learning new, different, and

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Six years ago I had the privilege of interviewing Michael Dowling, CEO of Northwell Health (formerly known as North Shore-LIJ Health System), in his office in New York. Dowling has been a part of Northwell Health since 1995, and has been at its helm as president and CEO since 2002.  When I interviewed Dowling for

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We all have dreams, goals, and aspirations. Many people hope to have a good-sized retirement fund someday. Others daydream about losing weight and being stronger and healthier. There are people who want nothing more than to get out of debt. Other people aspire to put their experience and expertise into practice and start their own

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Since former US President Theodore Roosevelt delivered his famous speech in Paris on April 23, 1910, sections of it have been repeatedly quoted all over the world. One particular paragraph stands out from all the rest, and more than a century after these words were first spoken they continue to encourage and inspire millions of

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This week I’m honored to have once again served as a moderator for the Becker’s Healthcare Conference in Chicago. I love these events, and always enjoy my time there immensely. This week has been a little different than usual; I had an all-day speaking engagement in Texas last Friday, and thanks to that exertion and

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I am honored to be speaking in San Marcus, Texas this week on the topic of Being An Inspirational Leader. In anticipation of that engagement, I’d like to share this article on the habits of inspirational leaders, which I first wrote and published in February 2018: As I’ve said many times, intentional, positive habits are

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I recently read an excellent article by renowned author and leadership expert Ken Blanchard. In the article Blanchard directly addressed the question, “How does a servant leader effectively give feedback when a direct report’s performance is less than ideal?” Blanchard pulls a few tips from his best-selling book, The One Minute Manager, sharing three secrets

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