When planning and anticipating something important, it’s very easy and very tempting to spend time and energy thinking about all the negative possibilities. Perhaps, if you consider from every angle each scenario where something might go drastically wrong, then you can proactively avoid those scenarios!
Seems logical, right?
In reality, thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong doesn’t really help much. While it’s smart to be prepared for crisis, it’s not smart to dwell on every conceivable disaster that could possibly occur. Visualizing and rehearsing failure is more likely to bring…… failure — not success!
As renowned author and speaker Seth Godin explains, rather than imagining the negative outcomes you wish to avoid, it’s better to imagine the positive outcome you desire:
“When you choose to visualize the path that works, you’re more likely to shore it up and create an environment where it can take place.”
So as you plan and anticipate your next career move, product launch, big speech, home renovation or whatever – be realistic, but don’t waste time dwelling needlessly on what could go wrong and how to avoid it. Instead, visualize the positive outcome you most desire, set your course, pursue it and make it happen!
To read Seth Godin’s full blog post, please click here.