You are getting older. Like it or not, you and I are getting older every single day! Whether you’re still in your youth, middle aged, or enjoying your golden years, there’s no escaping the subtle but steady reality of aging.
When we’re young, we tend not to worry about aging. In fact, we often are eager for the coming years – ready to be out of school, eager to start a family, or excited about the next step in building our career. It’s only as we get older that the subtle but steady reality of aging really starts to sink in.
No, I’m not trying to depress you, but I do want to encourage you!
In a thought-provoking “Minute with Maxwell” video several years ago, renowned author and speaker John Maxwell reminds us that in every season of life there are beautiful benefits and frustrating drawbacks. In our youth, most of us have energy and generally good health, but we might lack wisdom and experience. As we grow older, we gain wisdom and experience, but our stamina and health slowly deteriorate. Maxwell goes on to say,
“Here is what I believe: There are seasons in a person’s life, and they can either take the seasons and enjoy them and maximize them, or they can take the seasons and begin to resent them.”
We can’t change yesterday and we really don’t have much control over tomorrow, but we can control how we handle today. Maxwell concludes with this wisdom:
“I think aging successfully is enjoying the day that you have. Make the very best of it. And if you make the best of every day, you will be eternally young.”
How about you, are you making the best of every day? If you’re in your youth, don’t rush toward tomorrow and forget to make the best of today. Or if you’re getting older, don’t fret over your yesterdays or your dwindling tomorrows – make the best of today!
“If you make the best of every day, you will be eternally young.”
— John Maxwell