If you are a parent, and particularly if you have more than one child, you have likely heard more than your fair share of whining, blaming, and “tattletaling.” One of my colleagues, who is a mother of three young children, laughed when she read the following quote on social media, noting that it could easily be something she would say to her kids when they’re supposed to be working together to clean their bedroom:
“Don’t blame. Don’t whine. Don’t wait for others to act. Just go do SOMETHING.”
– QBQ.com (John G. Miller)
While the above quote does seem like something a parent might say to their child, it is actually highly relevant when directed at adults too! The reality is, when faced with problems and injustices, many full-grown adults are tempted to blame others, whine about the circumstances, and wait for someone else to do something.
No matter who you are, where you live, and what you do for work, you will encounter frustrating situations and unfair circumstances. But instead of complaining, pointing fingers, and waiting for something to be done, choose instead to do something.
Obviously you can’t fix every problem or improve every circumstance, but you can do something. And I guarantee, doing something will yield better results than sitting back and whining about it!