I don’t know who deserves the credit for originally penning this list of six things mentally strong people do, but when my friend and colleague Dee McCarthy posted the following image to LinkedIn last week, it immediately resonated with me.

- They move on. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves.
- They embrace change. They welcome challenges.
- They stay happy. They don’t waste energy on things they can’t control.
- They are kind, fair and unafraid to speak up.
- They are willing to take calculated risks.
- They celebrate other people’s successes. They don’t resent that success.
After examining and contemplating each trait on this excellent list, I can honestly say that I do my best to embrace and exemplify each one. I cannot decide which one I would consider most important, though I strongly agree with both number 4 and number 5! The sixth trait is also extremely important and is something I have always tried to do.
However, I must admit that the first trait is probably the one I personally find most difficult. While I wouldn’t really say I “waste time feeling sorry for myself,” I do find it hard to quickly move on from my own mistakes and failures. Getting older and more forgetful isn’t a walk in the park, ladies and gentlemen! I frequently find myself frustrated and thinking wistfully of the past and the mental acuity of my youth. But even so, I recognize the great wisdom in moving on and not wasting time dwelling on whatever failure, disappointment, or offense may have occurred. Life is a gift, no matter which part you’re in.
How about you, which of the above traits do you most closely embrace and pursue? Which do you find most challenging? What would you change or add to this list? Think about it! These should be critical traits and habits for each and every one of us!