This morning when you got out of bed, did you ask yourself, “What really matters today? On this day, the only day I have for sure, what really matters?”
That is one of the most crucial questions—maybe the most crucial and impactful question—you could ask yourself each and every day as you get out of bed. What is trivial or nonessential, that I can and will brush aside or completely eliminate? What are the vital few, the absolutely crucial few priorities on which I will focus my full time and energy today?
That question, if asked seriously and thoughtfully each and every day for the rest of your life, would revolutionize your life in hundreds of positive ways! Think about it. Each and every day, you would begin your day by refocusing on, and refining what really matters to you—personally, professionally, and organizationally.
In reality, the only things that should really matter are the very precious, very vital few priorities and activities that will truly and most effectively propel you to your vision of success, however you define success in your personal and professional life.
What do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing!
What do you have to gain? Absolutely everything—the crucial, vital few personal and professional accomplishments and experiences that are truly most important to you!
Make the commitment here and now. Resolve to spend quality time, each and every day for the rest of your life, refocusing on and refining what really matters in your one and only life.
Then, go accomplish and experience WHAT REALLY MATTERS!