The beginning of a new year tends to be a time of fresh starts, new beginnings, big ideas, personal resolutions, and professional goals. As a healthcare leader, you set the bar for those whom you lead. Their eyes are on you; you are the example, good or bad.
So as you begin this new year and make your goals and personal resolutions, consider focusing on a trait that will have huge ramifications for both you and for those whom you lead.
Author Dan Kennedy, a highly successful business coach and consultant, wrote about this trait for an article published online by Entrepreneur Magazine last month. In the article Kennedy makes the statement, “Having and commanding the respect of others is a tremendous advantage in life.” A true statement for every healthcare leader!
So what is the key to “having and commanding the respect of others?”
Kennedy makes the point that problems of tardiness and absenteeism are rampant in the business world—“People don’t even have enough self-discipline to get up in the morning!” Whether it’s showing up late to meetings or failing to keep prescheduled appointments, employees, clients, and bosses alike are often lacking in self-discipline.
Kennedy goes on to explain,
“In the entrepreneurial environment, there’s a lot to be said just for showing up on time, ready to work. The meeting of deadlines and commitments alone causes a person to stand out from the crowd like an alien space ship parked in an Iowa cornfield. The ability to get things done and done right the first time will magnetically attract incredible contacts, opportunities and resources to you. All of this is a matter of self-discipline.”
If you stop to think about it, self-discipline really is an extremely valuable trait—and absolutely critical to real, lasting success. Whether it’s having the will power to say ‘no’ to an extra serving of ice cream, or being able to knuckle down and complete a critical assignment before the deadline, self-discipline (or the lack thereof) affects a large part of our daily lives.
So how do you develop and leverage self-discipline? Kennedy boils it down to three relatively simple steps: Become aware of the importance of time, make deliberate decisions, and take action (implementation, follow-through, and completion).
With self-discipline, you really will be unstoppable!
To read the full article by Dan Kennedy, please click here.