You may have heard this Maya Angelou quote before, but I want you to take a few moments right now to read it and really let it sink in:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.“
You may agree completely with this statement. Or you may be thinking that there are some things that have been done and said that you most definitely will not forget.
Personally, I agree with what I believe is the bottom line and focus of this statement: “…people will never forget how you made them feel.”
This immediately brings to mind some of the people who have had a great impact on my life. Thinking about those individuals, I can pretty clearly recall some specific things that they have done; and if I were to really scratch my brain, I could probably paraphrase a handful of things they’ve said on specific occasions. But the number one thing that stands out to me is the way they have made me feel.
When I think of Max Coppom, one of the very best bosses I ever had, I immediately think of how he made me feel inspired and eager to become a better leader.
When I think of Talmadge Johnson, one of the kindest, wisest mentors I ever met, I immediately think of how he made me feel engaged and valued.
When I think of my parents and how they loved me and raised me, I immediately think of how they made me feel empowered to succeed and become the man I am today.
Without a doubt, my strongest memories of each of these people are memories of how they have made me feel. Even if I can specifically remember their words and actions, the memories that stand out above all else are how those words and actions made me feel! And I am willing to bet that for you it is the same.
So today, at the beginning of this new year, I want you to take a few moments for self reflection. Days, weeks, months, and years from now, what will others remember about how you made them feel? Your words and actions today will fade from memory. But the way those words and actions made others feel might last a lifetime.