Years ago I discovered an excellent blog post by bestselling author and speaker Jon Acuff. Jon made a rather surprising list of all the good things that happen to you when you compare your success to someone else’s. That’s right—good things. Just wait until you see the list!
Here it is—I just added a couple things to it:
Did you catch that? Here’s the list of those 3 benefits again, study it carefully:
Wow. Amazing, right? I think this list pretty well sums up the good things that happen as a result of comparing your success to that of other people.
No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you, and neither is your web browser. The list above really is just what it looks like: nothing. Bottom line, nothing good ever comes out of comparing your personal, professional, or organizational success (or lack of success) to that of someone else!
Your success is YOURS, however you define it. Don’t waste valuable time and energy worrying about what someone else has or hasn’t achieved. Nothing good will come of it! Stay on your own path, appreciate your own success, and be the very best YOU can be!
To “read” Jon Acuff’s original post on this topic, please click here.