The 2 Most Important Qualifications of any Job Candidate

By Dan Nielsen

September 15, 2022

Over the years, I have been honored to interview countless leaders throughout America. As I’ve spoken with these incredible men and women, some of the questions I’ve asked have been about what they look for during interviews with potential new hires.

Recently, I read an article by the famously successful entrepreneur Richard Branson, who shared a few of the key ingredients he and the rest of Virgin leadership looks for in job candidates. His article so closely mirrored the insights I have heard over and over from the leaders I’ve interviewed, I couldn’t help but get excited about sharing those same insights with you.

So what are the most important qualifications of any job candidate? Different leaders might use different words, but the two basic areas they focus on are these:


The candidate has to be a good fit. It doesn’t matter how technically qualified they may appear to be, if their personality won’t mesh with the rest of the team and with your overall company culture, hiring them is a mistake. As healthcare leader Glen Hall told me:

Whoever I hire, I try to determine lack of skill or lack of will, but the greatest sin is always lack of will… Skills are learned, but will is innate.”


The adage is true: attitude is everything. Closely connected to personality, passion for the position is one of the most important traits you can look for in a job candidate. Are they really excited about that position? Or is it just a necessary paycheck, or a steppingstone to a different position they have their eyes on? Chris Van Gorder, President and CEO of Scripps Health, offers this advice to career-minded individuals:

“Spend time really doing a good job at the position you’re in. People will notice you if you’re doing a good job and they will grab you and pull you out and give you those other opportunities.”

So if you’re interviewing potential new hires, focus on those two areas. Do they have a will to learn new skills, and a personality that will fit well within your organization? Do they have a true passion and enthusiasm for the task at hand, no matter where they see themselves in 5 or 10 years? If you can find a candidate who meets those two requirements, chances are you’ve found a winner.

And if you’re on the other side of the equation—someone who is seeking a new position and preparing for an interview, keep these two things in mind as well. Does the organization you’re interested in have a culture that will match up with your personality and character? Is the position you’re applying for one that you will be passionate about and to which you are willing to commit your best work?

Very important questions! The answers to these questions may very well determine your level of personal, professional, or organizational success, both for the near future and long term!

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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