As a kid, did you ever make a club with your friends? You might not have had an official clubhouse, like on The Little Rascals, but you probably had a special place you hung out, and certain rules about who could be part of the club. Or maybe you didn’t create a club, but there was one you were invited to join—or wished you were invited to join.
Whether it was being a part of a neighborhood club, sitting at a certain table during lunch in the cafeteria, being picked for a school sports team, or just getting an invitation to an awesome birthday party, there was something special about being included—about belonging to something.
Now as an adult, you might not be president of the “Girls Rule, Boys Drool” club or worry a whole lot about birthday parties, but there’s still something special about being a part of something. We all enjoy being recognized, and down deep, each of us wants to feel as though we ‘matter.’
“The fascinating lesson about human nature is that people aren’t always driven by a rational analysis of work as an exchange of labor for cash. We want to be seen and we seek to belong… When we offer people a chance to matter and to be seen, we have the chance to offer them something magical.”
– Seth Godin
What a great tip for greater success! Whether it’s your employees, your customers, your friends, or your family, when you offer them a chance to matter and to be seen, you offer them something magical!
How can you offer someone in your life a chance to matter and to be seen? It’s in your power—create a little magic for someone!