In the busyness of the daily grind, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and never-ending to-do lists, it’s easy to get worn down and frustrated. Some days, it seems like nothing ever goes right, and all you can do is dream about that beach vacation that might never happen.
Unfortunately, I can’t help you achieve that beach vacation. But I can offer some tips for appreciating your day-to-day life a little more, as found in a Simple Truths’ newsletter several years ago:
- Be thankful for what DIDN’T happen. “No matter how bad things are, they could almost always be worse.” This may seem silly, but it really can improve your mood if you start noticing the things that didn’t go wrong, like how the wait at Starbucks was really short this morning when you needed your morning coffee, how you hit 5 green lights in a row when running late for work, or how the cantankerous copy machine never jammed today when you were printing those last minute handouts for the meeting.
- Don’t hold on to your anger or hurt. “You can’t be upset and grateful at the same time, and life is too short to look for reasons to be upset.” Holding a grudge or focusing on a perceived slight never does anyone any good—especially you, the person holding on. In the grand scheme of things, is it really that big of a deal anyway? Take a deep breath… and let it go. You’ll be doing yourself a favor!
- Savor life’s little moments.“By just being, by just soaking up a beautiful moment, we can find some of life’s greatest pleasures.” Close your eyes and relish the flavor of your first sip of coffee in the morning. Allow yourself to enjoy five minutes of your lunch break sitting on a park bench and feeling the sun on your face. Focus on your little girl’s shining face and shrieks of laughter as she greets you at the door after work. Appreciate those little things!
- Express your gratitude by living it. “No matter what’s going on around you, look for things to appreciate, and then express your appreciation.” Notice the beauty of the sunset, and point it out to your neighbor. Say ‘thank you,’ and smile genuinely at the busboy as you leave the restaurant. Gather your overworked wife into your arms and tell her it’s time for a date night. Spread gratitude by living it.
Showing appreciation for the good things in your life, and expressing gratitude for the people in your life will always pay amazing dividends back into your own life!
How about you, what can you express appreciation for right now?