The term extrinsic is defined by dictionary.com as “being outside a thing; outward or external; operating or coming from without.” The term intrinsic is defined as “belonging to a thing by its very nature.”
When used in conjunction with the idea of motivation, extrinsic refers to those “carrot” incentives such as salary, benefits, and bonuses for a job well done, or “stick” deterrents for poor performance such as demotion, disciplinary action, or job loss.
On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is all about having an internal desire and passion for what it is we’re doing. We do our work not solely because we desire compensation or because we fear penalty, but because we enjoy it and find fulfillment in what we are doing.
As you can imagine, intrinsic motivation is the key to finding work we truly enjoy and look forward to each day!
In an online article for Blinkist Magazine, Rosie Allabarton writes,
“Once we have a better understanding of what gets us out of bed in the morning, we can start to build our working lives around producing more of that feeling—and getting paid for it—to develop a deeper sense of job and life satisfaction.”
Allabarton goes on to warn that extrinsic motivation is not only less effective than intrinsic motivation, but that employing such “carrot and stick” incentives can actually dampen a person’s innate desire to achieve success:
“A society founded on a rewards-based system can numb our natural curiosity and the enjoyment we find in everyday tasks. Extrinsic motivators like certificates or good grades eventually erase intrinsic motivators like an innate desire to learn.”
So what does this mean for us? I think it’s pretty clear, and Allabarton sums it up well:
“We should be trying to find out what motivates us intrinsically, rather than seeking the highest financial or social rewards. Once we know what interests us, what we’re passionate about and what inspires us, we’ll have found the key to a long-lasting and fulfilling career, irrespective of the salary or perks.
How about you, have you found your niche? Are you intrinsically motivated to do the work you are doing? If so, please share how you came to discover what it is that inspires you—I’d love to hear a bit of your story!