Last week we reflected on this excellent quote:
“You can’t change the ocean or the weather no matter how hard you try, so it’s best to learn how to sail in all conditions.” – unknown
The truth is we really have no control over life’s whims, so if we’re going to make it through in one piece, we need to learn how to handle whatever storms life throws our way!
Here are a few ideas about how to do that:
- Stay flexible. Many people thrive on routine, structure, regular habits and modest expectations. Others seem to fly through life by the seat of their pants, thriving on spontaneity and adventure, eagerly taking on new challenges and facing the unknown. Wherever you might fall on that scale, being flexible and open to change is an important trait if you want to bend and not break when hit by the winds of life’s storms.
- Be prepared. While I certainly don’t suggest you attempt to anticipate and plan for every eventuality, problem, or tragedy, it’s always wise to have a life jacket in your boat. Do your best to be ready for life’s storms by protecting yourself and your loved ones in whatever ways make sense for you. Whether that’s a savings account or retirement fund, life insurance or health coverage, daily safety precautions and well-organized personal documents, there are many ways you can think ahead and make sure things are in order and measures in place to help protect you and yours in the midst of life’s storms.
- Have an anchor. Over the course of your life you will undoubtedly experience days when you simply can’t continue sailing along, and instead need to seek safe harbor and depend on an anchor for awhile. Do you have an anchor? For many people their anchor is their family or a close-knit group of friends. Others are anchored in their faith and church community. Whatever yours might be, don’t take your anchor for granted. Make sure you have one, and that the chain that binds you to it is well-oiled and maintained! Invest in those relationships that anchor you, because someday you will need to depend on that anchor!
Do you have any tips you would add for learning “how to sail in all conditions?” I’d love to hear them!