In her recent editorial for American Nurse Today, my longtime friend and colleague Lillee Gelinas shares 5 critical lessons learned from some of the best and brightest in the nursing profession: 8 past presidents of the American Nurses Association (ANA).
Lillee writes about a panel discussion she was privileged to moderate earlier this year with these 8 leaders, whose terms of office spanned from 1978 to 2014:
“These remarkable nursing leaders offered worldly wisdom, lessons learned, and reflections on exceptional experiences that framed their tenures in office. Their cumulative experiences serve as an invaluable repository of nursing and American history.”
Lillee goes on to share some of the insights she gleaned from the discussion, which she offers as the following 5 critical leadership lessons:
- Lead by Example. “All of the former presidents noted how important it is to be good role models, to lead by example, and to be hopeful and positive, because nurses are looking up to you.”
- Be Prepared. “Paying attention to the details, doing your homework, and taking nothing for granted are keys to success.”
- Use Strong Interpersonal Skills. “Being grateful, communicating often, paying attention, and listening carefully are skills the past presidents use every day.”
- Business as Un-usual. “To position the profession for the future, try new models and new ways of doing things. Don’t worry about failure, because failure can inform later successful efforts. Stay nimble and responsive to new opportunities.”
- Influential Leadership. “No matter what role or position you are in, you are a leader and you influence those around you. Leadership is all about influence, and every one of us can learn how to be more influential leaders.”
Lillee ends with a sincere Thank You to these dedicated leaders for their service, vision, and passion, noting that there is much more to be learned from their leadership legacies. And the same is true of all seasoned leaders in all industries—there is much to be learned!
Honor the incredible legacies of the leaders in your life by listening, learning, and leveraging their wisdom and expertise!