We all face challenges. We all experience hardships, disappointments, and losses. Everything we go through teaches us something; we discover our strengths, identify our weaknesses, learn what we’re made of, and find out who we can depend on.
No matter how we overcome adversity, the act of overcoming it teaches a lesson—a lesson that not only benefits us, but can also help others traveling the same road.
I recently saw and passed on the following message via social media:
“One day you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now, and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide.”
I hope this encourages you like it has me, reminding you that one day you’ll be able to look back on the challenges of today and tell your story of survival or even triumph. I also hope this reminds you to look to the stories of others and learn from them!
We all face challenges. But we are not alone in adversity—we almost always can look for and find the success stories of others who have faced similar things.
We don’t have to—in fact it is impossible to—learn everything we need to know through personal experience. We don’t have the time on this planet to learn everything we need to know through personal experience. We need and must learn from the experience and wisdom of others.
Learn from others… then pass on your own experience and wisdom too!