I may not be as young as I once was, but I still stay very active physically and mentally and try to keep myself fit and healthy. As such, I am a loyal member of my local gym where I regularly exercise and walk for my health.
I’m also an avid people watcher who is always curious to learn about the stories of those around me, and I am constantly making new friends and acquaintances – I like to say I’ve never met a stranger!
Just the other day at the gym, I saw a man whom I’ve noticed several times before, but had never approached or spoken to, though I wanted to. I was held back by my concern that I might embarrass him in some way. This man too is a faithful member of the gym who works out regularly, pushing himself to gain greater strength and agility. But unlike most of the other regulars, he is quite disabled.
With the aid of a cane this man is able to make his way between the various pieces of exercise equipment, albeit very slowly and with great effort. It obviously taxes him to walk at all, yet he does it, propelling himself to his next machine of choice and proceeding with his workout. The fact that he works out regularly is evident in his trim and toned physique, it’s only when he gets up to walk that his disability can be clearly seen.
Having witnessed this man’s perseverance and determination despite the physical challenges he obviously faces, I was incredibly inspired, and wanted to tell him so. This week I finally worked up the courage to do just that, and ended up having a brief but very positive conversation with him.
I walked away from that encounter feeling even more inspired and grateful, and it is my hope and belief that the man too left inspired and encouraged by a stranger who took the time to say hello and offer a sincere compliment and word of praise.
I relearned this lesson this week: it is wonderful to be an encourager! You should try it!
Honor people, talk to people, compliment people, praise people, and let them know they are an inspiration. Today, this weekend, this coming week, choose to be an encourager!