We all have dreams, goals, and aspirations. Many people hope to have a good-sized retirement fund someday. Others daydream about losing weight and being stronger and healthier. There are people who want nothing more than to get out of debt. Other people aspire to put their experience and expertise into practice and start their own business or even write and publish a book.
But too many people make one of two mistakes:
- Get scared by the size and challenge of the goal and never get started.
- Jump in with both feet and lots of enthusiasm, only to start sinking and quickly give up.
While there might not be an exact formula for success that works for every person in every situation, I believe that this little nugget of advice is golden: start small, but start.
Whatever your goal, to achieve it you must start somewhere. A large nest egg might seem unattainable with your current financial status, but you can start by setting aside just a little bit each paycheck. Reaching your fitness goals might feel impossible right now, but you can start with one small healthy habit. Writing a book might seem like a pretty daunting task, but you can start by writing one sentence.

Just like the old proverb wisely states, there’s only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time. It might take you a long time, but if you start today and continue tomorrow, one small bite at a time, you can conquer any size of “elephant” you might be dreaming about. So start small my friend, but start!