6 Best Places to Do Your Best Thinking

By Dan Nielsen

August 2, 2018

Where do you do your best thinking? And why do you think that is where you do your best thinking?

I posed this question to my LinkedIn colleagues a few weeks ago, and as I read through the dozens of responses, I quickly noticed some patterns. While this was not a professionally conducted study or poll by any means, I believe the responses to my question do give us pretty good insight into how, when, and where many people do their best thinking!

First let me share the top 6 repeated responses I received from the 60 or so people who answered my question:

  1. In early morning quiet
  2. While exercising
  3. While driving / during commute
  4. While in bed at end of day / late at night
  5. In the shower
  6. Outside / in nature

As you can see, not all of these “best places to do your best thinking” are actually places, but activities or times of day that could be spent in a variety of spots. Also, many of the responses overlapped, combining two or three of the above, such as Tasha Villalta’s response: “Out hiking or in nature; enjoying an early morning walk brings mental clarity for me.”

Other people mentioned specific spots or activities special to them, like Brent C Jackson’s backyard, where, “I have a beautiful view and it puts me in the mood to think deeply.” Or Krista Whiting’s morning routine: “My best thinking is when I walk my dogs in the morning before I go to work. I reflect on the previous day, enjoy that my dogs are happy, and use this as quiet time. This is my happy place.

As for the why — “why do you think that is where you do your best thinking?” — those answers of course varied as well, but most mentioned solitude, freedom from distractions, or a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.

How about you? Does your “best place to do your best thinking” appear on this list? What would you add to the list, and why?

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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