The Best Place to Do Your Best Thinking

By Dan Nielsen

July 26, 2018

A couple weeks ago I posted this question on LinkedIn:

Where do you do your best thinking, and why do you think that is where you do your best thinking?

Nearly 60 people answered the question (you can see the original post and read all the comments here) and I was delighted by the wide range of responses. From Judy L. Gates whose creative side “lights up like a Christmas tree” when she’s alone in her home with white noise in the background, to Robert McDonnell who does his best thinking while in a group in an outdoor setting.

While many people’s “best spots” were very similar, there were several very unique responses as well, such as Kathy Jo Uecker’s one-of-a-kind secret to success: “I do best first thing in the morning while out tending to my chickens.” Kathy Jo explained,

“It is nice and quiet yet noisy when the birds are clucking away. My mind is not distracted by what ifs or what I should have done. I can see the beginning, middle and end of a problem, issue or opportunity much clearer while out with the girls. I always have a smile on while feeding them so I have happier thoughts as well. Plus the fresh egg for breakfast is a bonus!”

Some other unique responses came from Charles Becker, who is sometimes hit by his best ideas while surfing, and from Josh Bishop, who does his best thinking while playing the guitar. Di Stover tends to think very clearly during a crisis, and Mike Steely does his best thinking in many settings, including while listening to a lecture. Thea Moran is energized by the buzz of activity in a busy coffee shop, and Billy Tingle enjoys the comfort and familiarity of his kitchen island, “the nerve center of the house,” he explains, which “holds so many great memories.”

Like I said, a delightful variety of responses! Next week I’ll share the top 6 best spots where people said they do their best thinking. Stay tuned!

About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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