5 Tips for Managing Your Career Brand

By Dan Nielsen

October 13, 2016


This week, I would like to discuss an article written by executive recruiter John Self, who is the founder and president of JohnGSelf Partners, an executive search firm specializing in the healthcare sector. Self has interviewed hundreds of senior-level job seekers over the years, reviewing their résumés, offering tips, and helping them find and land the right position. Having sat across the desk from hundreds of interviewees, Self has developed a keen eye for the attributes of effective career brand management.


The following five tips are simple but impactful insights from Self for effective career brand management and advice for those seeking leadership positions:


  1. “Do your job, get it done.”– Sounds simple enough. You need to know what is expected of you and get it done. Self mentions to not complain about the extra time you may have to put in or if your boss takes credit for your work. Work hard and be the best at what you do and this will inevitably lead you to success.
  2. “Focus on results.”– I have always said there is a difference between “efficient” and “effective.” Don’t fall into the trap of efficiency. Make sure that what you are getting done actually needs to be done! Be an effective employee that produces results.
  3. “Be nice to people.”– In a recent America’s Healthcare Leaders interview, Mark Dixon discusses the value of being relationship driven, not power driven. Don’t let your ambition take over. Be kind and courteous to the people with whom you work, and they will return the kindness when you succeed at rising up through the organization.
  4. “Be active in your professional associations.” – I will admit that networking looked a little different when I was rising up through healthcare, but no matter the changes in strategy, networking remains a valuable asset to your future career. However, as Self states as well, don’t get so lost in the sea of networking that you lose focus on your current work. As Chris Van Gorder stated: “If you spend all your time looking for that next opportunity, it probably won’t happen.”
  5. “Knowledge is security.”– I’ve said it a million times here and I will say it again: Never Stop Learning. Keep your mind active and be diligent in staying ahead. Study a subject that may not come as easy or be as comfortable. Be willing to continually challenge yourself!


Self concludes his article by noting that while moving to the top is a far from easy task, there are steps you can take to make it more simple. One of the final comments Self makes is to not be a jerk because “jerks rarely succeed.”


If you are searching for a valuable mentor and asset, I recommend John Self. He has numerous posts on career advancement on his blog, as well as posts on how to make the most of every open opportunity and prepare for sudden career changes. If you truly desire success, be willing and eager to learn from others who have walked the path before you!

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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