Bruce Lawrence, President & CEO of INTEGRIS Health in Oklahoma City, responded beautifully and succinctly to my question, “What advice would you offer to America’s current and future healthcare leaders?”
INTEGRIS Health is Oklahoma’s largest, not-for-profit, state-owned healthcare system. Lawrence has enjoyed a long and highly successful career at several major hospitals and healthcare systems, and has been with INTEGRIS since 2001.
Full disclosure—although we have not worked closely together or at the same organizations, Bruce Lawrence has been a friend and colleague for at least 20 years. I admire his contributions, accomplishments, and leadership.
Lawrence answered my question as follows:
“Stick to your values. If you work hard, treat people like you want to be treated, and are honest and trustworthy, things will work out for you.”
A simple statement, but profound if you really think about it. A succinct, universal recipe for greater personal, professional, and organizational success. Also excellent advice for successful leadership.
Think about it. Values, the golden rule, honesty, and trust. Great advice from one of America’s healthcare leaders!
How about you? Action and behavior speak far louder than intent and words. Do you stick to your values, work hard, treat people like you want to be treated, and act with honesty and trustworthiness? If so, things will work out for you!
For more excellent perspectives and advice from highly successful healthcare leaders like Bruce Lawrence, subscribe to the America’s Healthcare Leaders blog and get the FREE e-book, 20 Critical Tips for Healthcare Leaders.