It was an honor and pleasure to interview Glen Hall, Senior Vice President of Sales at MD Buyline last week. The interview was conducted and videotaped in Dallas. Short, highly relevant video segments from the interview will be published later this year on
Glen is an interesting, articulate, thoughtful, and successful senior leader. He is committed, passionate, and focused on vision! Over and over during the interview and discussion, Glen kept coming back to vision. Creating, clarifying, constantly refining, and passionately communicating a worthy and inspiring vision!
The interview and discussion reminded me of an excellent, powerful quotation from Warren Bennis:
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”
As a leader with seemingly a million people, needs, and issues vying for your precious, limited time and attention, are you proactively and purposefully carving out plenty of time, energy, and focus for this number one priority?
You are a leader, and “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” With the help and support of your colleagues, teams, and organization, translate your carefully crafted vision into reality. That is exactly what great leaders do!