Dave Edwards: A Great Example of Passionate Leadership

By Dan Nielsen

January 14, 2015


I recently recorded a 65-minute, high-energy interview with Dave Edwards, Vice President of Supplier Relations/Business Development at Premier. Over the next few weeks, we will publish several healthcare leadership articles as a result of that interview.

As you will see over the next few weeks, Dave provided excellent perspectives regarding many important leadership questions and issues. But what impressed me most about the overall interview was Dave’s genuine and infectious enthusiasm—his energy, drive, and deep personal and professional passion for what he does and who he is honored and privileged to serve: healthcare leaders and healthcare organizations all across America!

Dave is “all in” regarding the importance and relevance of Premier’s mission. He is “all in” regarding the senior leadership of Premier. He is absolutely “all in” in terms of the importance and relevancy of his and his team’s responsibilities and contribution toward accomplishing Premier’s strategic objectives and mission.

I asked Dave what he enjoys most about his position. His response reflects the passion he has for his job:

I’ll tell you what, it’s the same at Premier as it is in life. I love the win-win from being in the middle of it. Connecting people and ideas—people that have solutions to people that have needs. That is the reason I’ve stayed at Premier for 14 years.”

Dave loves the leaders and organizations that he and his colleagues serve. He loves the healthcare industry within which he works and he fervently believes in the value of his chosen industry and its critical importance to all Americans across our great country.

I really got involved in healthcare because of my dad’s impact and his philosophy, ‘If you’re going to work hard, pour yourself into something that’s meaningful and is going to have a lasting impact long after you’re gone.’ While there are lots of great industries and lots of meaningful pursuits and lots of worthwhile endeavors, I believe healthcare is among the most noble.”

In a day and age where so much of the working population is apathetic toward the organization for which they work and those they supposedly serve, Dave Edwards is a refreshing breath of air. We all could learn so much from his passion and commitment!

During the last half of the interview, the thought kept going through my mind, “Wow, as a former hospital CEO, wouldn’t I love to have 10, 50, or 100 leaders throughout my organization with Dave’s attitude, drive, enthusiasm, commitment, and passion? We could change the world!”

How about within your organization? Are you creating, coaching, and carefully nurturing leaders like Dave Edwards? Leaders who consistently love who they serve and live the priceless personal and professional attitudes, drive, enthusiasm, commitment, and passion necessary to truly make a difference and move your organization toward achieving its mission?

Don’t miss the articles on this blog during the next few weeks featuring the excellent content and perspectives from Dave Edwards, a successful healthcare executive who is serving healthcare leaders all across America.

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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